SN3 v old seperates

For me the SN3 phono stage is excellent.
If you want all atmospheric tingeling, it may not be for your taste.
I like it a bit meaty.


I had a 72/HiCap/140 (in service) with a digital front end into ES11s. A home demo of an SN2 convinced me the SN2 was ‘better’. What is better? Hard (for me to describe) but clearer, faster, quieter quiets, louder louds… I still have the old olives as the heart of a second system. I suspect with an analogue front end, especially soemthing comtemporary, most would prefer the Olives.


With Aria I heard a bit more “air” may be but flatter and sounding more hollow. For some the Aria may be a preference but it’s not a better phono stage - so just to give an idea of what one needs to exceed as a level to improve on the SN3…

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After you spent years listening to Naim amps, why did you move to Moon when you got your Klipsch Cornwalls?

Without wanting to tempt you, a 72/HC/250 delivers a good deal more everything, decent though a 140 is, and (serviced) olive 250s are real bargains now. You might even end up swapping olives and SN3…


No doubt, but I have the units stacked one atop the other on a wooden stand built to house them. No room for a 250. Shame……

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“Shame”, and ‘stacking’; probably goes to me right now…
just playing with the AV setup (bedroom) and temporarily placing the Nait integrated (in AV Bypass mode) into the outboard (power) amplification stage from an Anthem as a ‘processor’.

Each block of outboard power jumped up the quality of the audio very noticeably… (we listen at -49 to - 30 db levels typically)
Many users would think a 7x 100watt(+) surround amp as ‘good enough’, but absolutely can confirm that if the main speakers benefit from a real amplifier, any amplifier improvement will be noticed.

The Naim amp adds so much to the audio field, even on a Room Corrected setup, that readding it to the chain was an easy project. (proper rewire inbound!)

Whilst this thread isn’t the place to talk about that project (;about to go write in an apropriate thread on THAT topic), seeing the last post being one of ‘shame’, based on quick stacking of kit… seemed appropriate to reassure “not alone”.

cheers/ ‘smiles with’…

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Im sure the NFSA
(naim fraim stacking authority)
be along shortly,


Or it could be the NSA

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