Snaxo,safe to use Chord Shawline Din to XLR

Is it safe to use Chord Shawline Din to XLR´s(Nap 250´s) to a Snaxo ?

A lot of the Chord cables are designed specifically for Naim products, I believe at one time the Naim cables were made by Chord
Chord is probably the leading brand for Naim owners who have diverged from Naim cables and like Naim there is a definite ladder to climb if you get hooked

Just make sure the cables are designed for a 250 rather than 135/300/500


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Perfect,thank you !
I wondered ,because ordinary Snaics should not be used to the unregulated amps like
Nap 140,Nap 180 … but a special Active Snaic made with the same cable as in the Nap 250 DIN to XLR,to prevent the Snaxo from being unstable.


But the standard Naim cables should not be ignored… :astonished:

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For sure,I have used the original ones before in active systems I’ve had. I think the Chord Shawline is a good upgrade over the original ones, when I have tried them in passive systems, hopefully they will also work with a Snaxo 3-6/3x Nap 250/ DBL.

If you have any doubts just speak to Chord, you’ll find them very helpful
Chord make their own version of every type of cable used by Naim


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I had understood Chord’s ownership was related to Naim’s - pre Focal.

You would be better off speaking to Naim here as the SNAXO can easily be pushed into instability with inappropriate cabling. The Naim DIN-XLR is ideal here, and you want to avoid anything that’s more capacitive than that.


Yup it’s a good bit of 3 Amp Mains cable there…I’d noticed that B&Q are just across Southampton Road.

OK, I’ll get me coat! :laughing:

OTOH…”if it works, don’t knock it. And tell your friends”
(Francis Alick Howard)

The Chord Cable Co. was started by and is run by Paul’s ex wife Sally. It was started initially to offer cables to connect non-Naim items to Naim system, but has of course grown far beyond that in more recent years. Being located fairly close to one another (Chord are located in Amesbury) there have been Chord people who have worked at Naim and also vice versa, however there’s no affiliation between the two companies.


Thank you,I will contact Naim. Naim Super Lumina DIN to XLR maybe also work with a Snaxo ?

I don’t know as it arrived after my time - best ask Naim.

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I quickly received a response from Naim support, they confirmed that Super Lumina DIN-XLR is definitely safe to use with a Snaxo 362.
I also got an answer from Chord support, that Chord Shawline DIN-XLR are safe to use in Naim active systems.

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Probably worth noting the Super Lumina & Shawline are at very different price points
The Naim is at a similar performance level to the Sarum T
A general consensus is it’s best to keep a synergy throughout for all cables ie all Naim or all Chord
Chord being pretty much a cables only company provide a greater range of cables for Naim equipment, this is even more pertinent at the upper echelons
If you search through the forum you’ll find no end of posts comparing the virtues of both manufacturers and none of these will give you a definitive answer.
It’s down to personal preference of the presentation of the sound, budget and at the top end the Chord Music goes to another level above the Super Lumina albeit at a cost, at this level there are additional cables but these are outside the scope of this forum


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