So Why Did Naim Do Away With The Power Supply Ugrading Ability With The CD5SI?

Can anyone at Naim tell me why they did away with the upgradability of the outboard power supply for the CD5si model? I know they increased the voltage of the player but seems kind of wrong from a marketing point of view since most power supply upgrades are Naim purchased power supplies.Would this option to use an outboard power supply really increase to cost of the player that much?

I had a CD5Si and it was great when I had the Nait 5Si. It was the matching entry system into Naim. When I upgraded to 82, 2 x HiCaps, 250 system and was using an ND5XS with external DAC, the CD5Si didn’t compare favourably. So I got myself a CDS2 with XPS and wow what a difference, the CDS2 sounded better.

And then entered the NDS with 555PS. Wow! The CDS2 sounded good but not in same league.

The point I am making is that the CD5Si is an entry level Naim product. As you go up the range it is at the bottom and below a current ND5XS2. It was never designed to be upgraded. It is what it is.

I wouldn’t use it in my system now as it is at the bottom of the Naim tree and won’t sound right with my system.

It will sound better with a Nait 5Si. Or should still sound good with a Nait XS3. Beyond that the superior amplification will be more revealing and affect the compatibility.

It’s best to keep high level kit with a similar level. And entry level kit with the Nait and XS range.

Try for yourself. This is my experience and you need to match components of similar level otherwise it just won’t sound right.


The problem is that it is the only CD player that Naim still make. It seems all the more odd then that Naim would cut down on its upgrade potential.


Do you think it is perhaps the final CD player from Naim? If the only current player is an entry-level product, that could show that the format is the least of priorities now. Who knows, maybe a final player will come along for a last hurrah, complete with PSU upgrade socket.

They might follow the path of Linn, who now have no CD Players in their product portfolio.


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They effectively have. Leaving the cd5si there for those who really need a " basic" player. Now, whether they would take the same decision not to allow digital out and an upgraded PS today is a seperate question.
A lot here would love a Naim cd transport with digital out onto their Dac of choice.

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I believe the Uniticore used a Teac mech. ‘nuff sed I guess.

The CD5i was introduced as a sort of back to basics player at a much reduced price compared to the previous CD5 (the true successor to the CD5 was the CD5x). To that end, the power supply inside was made substantial and not making it upgradeable reduced costs allowing the money to be spent where it was most needed. The CD5Si is the latest in the same line.



You can see some considerable differences in the 5xs upper to the 5si lower images of the players.
You can only presume the extra power supply arrangement was there to help utilise the added power supply from the added power supply - hope that makes some sense.


A CD5si minimalist and functional. :+1:t2:



I think it’s right from a marketing point of view; it’s an “entry level” player and the “no power supply upgrade” seems true to its price point and market position.

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Maybe it is as simple as the player already giving the best it can, with an upgrade in power supply having little or no benefit…

Naim no longer make an upgrade power supply for it anyway. You’d hardly put a £5,700 power supply on a £1,500 player.


I dunno, we put a 555 on an nDAC. Even worse price ratio :laughing:


Sorry, meaning?

What you don’t see there is that much of the circuitry was moved to a board directly under the mech within the phenolic resin tray on the CD5i players.


I think Naim have got it right having an entry level system in the Nait5si and CD5si. They are more than most will ever need and not exactly cheap for most. Well over £3k including speakers, cables and supports. I’m sure they sell in bucket loads and whilst the majority who contribute to this forum have their eyes set further up the food chain I would guess that there are far more out there enjoying their music rather than staring misty eyed at expensive upgrades.


A response to the post above mine. Naim clearly consider Teac sleds to be up to the job. There are plenty of those around at various price points.

I’d be intrested to see how many naim cd5si machines get sold every year. My local dealer sold " very few" in 2023 he told me.
I’d imagine that a number of those with Nait 50s would love to see a shoebox cdp to match.

IIRC CD sales rose by about 47% in 2022. During 2023 there has been a cost of living crisis. Although this has not affected some, it’s not surprising that in 2023 sales in some areas have evaporated. If sales are that really low when the market recovers, this level of kit will soon be discontinued.