So Why Did Naim Do Away With The Power Supply Ugrading Ability With The CD5SI?

Naim have also done generous trade-in promotions in conjunction with dealers (at least in the UK) on older players when mechs stocks have got low or been exhausted.


In my opinion Naim have always done a great job in the longevity of their products.
Itā€™s only after many years of support failure from other companies and the fact that that Naim still support the analogue system to the lengths it does that made me buy into them.
Iā€™m a great believer that less is more and the least complicated system always wins out with minimal signal paths.
Iā€™m delighted with my CD5si itā€™s synergy with my Supernait 3 is great and the convenience of only having to use one remote.
Itā€™s a great and robust player with an analogue feel in operation so I think itā€™s a very well placed product and also remember at that price you get up to five year warranty itā€™s a no brainer. :+1:t2:


I know that,
When saying ā€œin due timeā€ I meant on an earlier stage in the players life, maybe even from the release.

Happy new year.

The transport mech in the 5si is quicker to load a CD, quieter and slicker in operation than a VAM-1202. Even the puck/clamp is better & nicer to use.


I read it was a Sanyoā€¦

I was never a fan of the 1202 mech. My CD5i went through four of them. The CD5SI is much nicer to use. I bet the yield rates are miles higher.

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Iā€™ve been looking for a regular CD player for the SN3, and this was the reply I was hoping for.

I have an ND5 XS2 and could plug a CD transport into it (currently have a BluRay player doing this function) but the functional irritation is that I still have to use the Naim App to select the optical input - it doesnā€™t auto switch. Iā€™d like to be able to listen to my music without having to involve a ā€œdeviceā€ as I seem to be on ā€œdevicesā€ all day long.

I do have the option of a great deal on a Lyngdorf CD-2 but when I demoed it, the level of layer separation was just nuts, almost to the detriment of musical enjoyment.


The CD5SI is a great partner for SN-3 all that synergy and ease of use and only 1 remote to bother about. :+1:t2:
Serviceability too as itā€™s still in production and can have a 5 year warranty from new. :thinking:

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Spot on, itā€™s an underrated player that is subject to a lot of price snobbery here.
Mine performs exceptionally well


Sanyo havenā€™t existed for almost two decades. They were a great company but were acquired by and then dissolved by Panasonic.

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