Some changes

Completed some nice changes to my second system last evening. I put a Supercap DR on my 282 and put a 300 DR in to replace a non-DR 250. Wow, it was just an evening, but sounded so smooth when connected! I have it with a NDS/Non DR 555PS and an LP12/Stageline/HiCap.

I borrowed the Supercap DR from my main system that was powering the Superline as the turntable in that room isn’t seeing much play time these days. I’ll just connect the superline via a SNAIC into the Aux 2 on my 552. I was told it was better than running a separate hicap from the superline.

I’m also giving Starlink a try right now. Holy smokes is that fast internet! We live on a farm and cannot get regular service. Our other service was quasi satellite but it received a signal from a repeater on a nearby mountain. It was constantly going out. So far Starlink is incredible and I hope it stays that way.

Appreciate all the earlier advice from everyone! I think this 282/Supercap is here to stay!