Speaker cable replacement in 500 system

Has anyone switched from NAC A5 to Superlumina in this level of system?
I have read hundreds of posts re speaker cables, including all the usual brands… ie Naim, Kudos, Chord, etc. So many different opinions. I am looking for someone who made the change with 500 system in particular. I already have dedicated electrical line and my boxes sit on 2 levels of Fraim. Powerlines all around.
I have all standard Naim cables except for Chord 5pin din-din Sarum T between ND555 and 552.
I have a chance to get pair of Superlumina speaker cables at good price. It’s a private sale of previously owned cables.
Worth it ? What kind of sound changes can I expect?

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Hi David,

Are you only interested in views from those who have swapped Naca5 for SL?

I changed from Kudos KS-1 to SL speaker cable and found it a worthwhile upgrade. The sound is fuller, with more detail and clearer. It’s probably worth noting though that I use SL cables throughout.

Frankly Dave, I have really no desire to change my NAC A5 but there is a good deal to be had on the Superlumina, hence my interest in the Naim cable.

IME, more detail, less brightness at the top end (a NACA5 trait to my ears), better bass.


The XLR to 4 din Superlumina are an improvement over standard cable between 500 head unit and the 552DR PS.

I also have Superlumina interconnect between pre and ND555.

I have Naca 5 as well and like the cable. I have heard Superlumina speaker cables as well and you get more detail abd clarity.

The Superlumina are on my wish list but am not ready to change out yet.

These things can make a big difference sometimes, and other times smallish dependent on your system.

If they are a good deal then worth a punt. You could always sell them.


I let one Perfect Chance for SL pass by and I am still angry at me.
I have 500 system (very similar to yours) as you might know :blush:
Had updated interconnect 5-5 and din - xlr to SL … both very good. Definition better and more air.
Compared naca5 to ks-1 and liked naca more - voices were better with naca. But sl …
When the price is ok - do it. But be prepared to want more SL :blush:


That’s what I Iike a lot with SL - top end sparkle.
Sorry - edit. I meant naca 5… oops

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I know of a highly respected member on here that has tried most of these in his 500 system and settled on Kudos KS-1 throughout. :+1:t2:


I will give them also a 2nd chance - last test was with Olive amps.
Waiting for another member to land here :blush:.
There are also other nice cables …

Yes! :sunglasses: Oephi and Ansuz for example. Wonderful cables with Naim DNA.

The bird has landed :blush:
If only I would need less than 6m each … these cables are all so expensive with more length


Hi David. My system ND 555 / NAC 552 / NAP 300 is not a million miles from yours so my observations may be of assistance to you. Moving from Chord Epic X speaker cable to Super Lumina has brought some benefits , but there are elements which I would advise you to consider.
SL brings more definition and texture to bass and more detail overall in my system. Leading edges are very defined. There is no doubt that there is a large amount of detail and I am not one to go for an over warm sound.
However , at present, to my ears there is a slight metallic edge in the midrange which makes the sound of female vocals in particular less realistic and a little mechanical. There is also some sibilance which was not present with the Chord cable. Others have expressed in the past the feeling that the SL speaker cable takes away some emotion in its presentation and I can understand what they are saying.
It is superb with small jazz trios etc but I don’t feel I am getting the full emotion of some songs which I know and love.
I’m on the fence at present to be honest. There is always an acclimatisation period and the issue of burn in to consider though.
The cables are probably not burnt in completely so this may change things.
Of course with a NAP 500 this may be a different story. FYI I’m using Kudos 606 speakers.
If you are buying s/h then there isn’t really too much of a risk as you are likely to be able to re- sell at a good price.
Hope that provides some assistance!


@Steve57 Lovely and honest post.
Our systems are also not so far away (500dr - 300dr) and speaker cable being the difference.
Female voices has also been a bit metallic and sibilant with ks1 when I tested it.
Female voice with emotion is what I loved so much with SBL. Naca 5 kept this a bit in the 500 system.

Before banning the sl speaker cable you should experiment a bit with the Ethernet cables. Worth a try! What cable do you use for Ethernet


thanks to all
I will probably stay with the NAC A5 as system sounds great.
Will ponder for now.
Love the forum and the guidance it provides


Some years ago I switched from NacA5 to Superlumina with my NAP500 and remain delighted, never regretted it and never think about speaker cables anymore.



Hi @drago, WiFi at present but pondering experimentation with cable from mesh disc to streamer. That could be a rabbit hole, but I’ll probably give it a go! :slightly_smiling_face:

I think a lot of these effects are dictated by environment / room effects. I’m still keeping an open mind with the SL over the next month or so. Lots of things to love about it, so fingers crossed! :slightly_smiling_face:

I think you’re wise. While some clearly prefer SL to NACA5, and for perfectly valid reasons, the two are not really very much alike. So, if you’re happy with what you’ve got but would simply like more of the same, I suspect SL may not be what you’d expect.

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Hi David! I had Naca 5 and 82/Supercap with 250DR and changed to Neotech 3080. I found them kind of similar to Naca 5 but more detailed and crisp with more frequency extension perhaps. It’s difficult to describe and also remember. But the Neotech 3080 is still with me with my Gold Note system comprising of P-1000/PSU1250 and PA-1175 with XS-85 speakers so they can grow with system upgrades. I tried the Naca 5 in this system and the 3080 shows them a clean pair of heals. They are not expensive so worth a try if you feel like change. I have found Neotech makes some very good cables at affordable prices be it speaker, interconnects or whatever. Good luck with new speaker cables. Tweaking with cables is the best.

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