Speaker choice for Naim 252 / Supercap / NDS / 555PS / 300DR

Sure, but we all know that the declared impedance data is only an average value and cannot be a constant value.

Probably other speakers with declared impedance of 8 ohms are more difficult to drive than speakers with declared impedance of 4 ohms.

Very interesting about the NAC A5 cables and it will also be interesting to read further your observations on it

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Hi, don’t get me wrong. I love Naim amps. I bought my first system after a demo by Julian in Brighton (Geoffry’s?). My only problem is when Naim claim in their advertising blurb that they sell ‘powerful amplifiers’ and are ‘stable into 2 ohms’ e.t.c. This is probably as a result of a marketing back room bod rather than any of the engineers! My only point was to the OP; if your in the market for new speakers, take care to understand their capabilities and match carefully to the 300. Advertising blurb frequently lies, numbers never do.

That can be true, which is why a little research into reputable test data can be very worthwhile before an expensive mistake is made.

I don’t think I got you wrong, and I understand you about printed ‘specifications’. And I too love Naim amps. About the 5i (or the 5si which I heard with the awfully difficult Raidhos) I can only report my own experience and an alleged quote by the late Dave Wilson of Wilson Audio. For sure, I don’t remember having ever heard a Naim amp struggle with reasonably matching speakers, and for sure I have always heard the NAP300 sound equally magnificent with all the different speakers it was wired to. To go beyond what we are fed by magazines’ reviewers may become a necessity for some, and I quoted the NAC A5 because the topic of speaker cables is still one of the most controversial.

Are you sure about this? Naim amplifiers are always praised for their delivery of high current and for their ability to control demanding speakers with impedance drops.

Hi, yes, very sure. Again, numbers don’t lie, advertising copy always does.

Numbers may not lie but they are always subject to interpretation and need to be put into context. Do you know about any serious measurements which lead to your conclusion?

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Yes, many and varied sources. Do some research and look for independent measurements of Naim amplifiers as part of reviews. There are lots out there. The deign of the output stages and current regulation is not open to interpretation. Statement is of course different.
Anyway, I’m not here to diss Naim or threaten anybody’s beliefs. All I was trying to do was caution the OP into matching his 300 carefully to his beauty parade of new speakers in order to get the best results.

Honestly I do not well understand all the specs and numbers, or more so, how they affect each other.

But I have always heard Dynaudio is «difficult» and hungry for power, and also that Naim indeed is not a «beefy» or powerfup amp in general.

But my 252/SC/300 drives my Contour 60 with absolute authority. The 250 I had previously, maybe not so at very high volumes, but definetly more than sufficient.

I have compared the Nap300 to the integrated flagship of some other brand, rated at 301 w, and not only is the 300 better in every way, but absolutley sounding more powerful. This was in the same room with same speakers.

I first listened to 808s here with my 300dr. They certainly didn’t sound lacking (despite me later going for a 500dr). I have also heard 505s, 606s and 707s and liked them all very much driven by one (or more) 300(s). Prefer all of them to B&W 802d3 and 803d2 both of which a friend has / had. That is my personal preference- I just prefer kudos Titans to B&W

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Ever heard of Proac K series in comparison?

Sorry no - have heard ATC and some others and preferred Titans but not hear proac or magico

Off topic - what was your impressions with Achtung green cable you had before?

have ATC SCM50aslt in a room of 70 m - very happy with sound quality etc

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