Speaker Grills on or off

I reckon it’s a sales thing. Although I’ve had the socks off my Linn’s, now I’ve put them back on I think they’ll stay on. Personally I think speakers look neater with them on and you don’t have to bother with dust on the drivers. Some have sticky surrounds too which are a dust magnet and cannot be cleaned once exposed.

Just had a look at the manual for my B&W 804D3. It stated “For the most discerning listening, remove the bass/midrange grilles”. Not the best wording I have seen.

The same wording in my 804S manual, I keep the grilles on, I now feel slightly unworthy. :grinning:

I think advice will vary from different manufacturers, Neat, Spendor and PMC recommend grilles off. Personally I think why ruin the look of the speaker by putting a grille on ? Personal choice in terms of aesthetics.

Grilles off for a bit. Feels kind of naughty, like I know SWMBO wouldn’t approve, but she’s out :wink: Does sound better but Isobariks really aren’t pretty in the raw. Finding it a bit off putting.

Going to turn the lights off


image https://www.google.no/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundtemple.eu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F07%2FHarbeth_2-600x900.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundtemple.eu%2Fproduct%2Fharbeth-p3esr%2F&tbnid=FLmUaDPclD8mMM&vet=12ahUKEwjh1IHVx4bnAhUJAncKHffzApIQMygRegQIARBQ..i&docid=muYpFoFW1NbncM&w=600&h=900&q=harbeth%20p3esr&hl=en-gb&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwjh1IHVx4bnAhUJAncKHffzApIQMygRegQIARBQ

bear grylls

harbeth are voiced with grilles on , i always kept mine on . i keep my tannoys with grilles on for protection though , just in case the cleaner sticks her vacuum in the wrong place !!!

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I don’t think the User Manual mentions grilles but in an introductory press release ATC said: “The SCM19 and SCM40 are designed for optimum performance with the grill in place – although the difference in performance without the grill is minimal.”


How dare you say that Briks in the raw are not pretty! :smiley: I always thought the ones in teak looked beautiful, even in the raw!

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SL2s grills or without in terms of sound only?

:joy: Sorry @Frazeur1 It’s the strips of Velcro and the ugly bass unit that spoil things. The cabinets, although somewhat monolithic, can be a thing of beauty. I always lusted after a Rosewood pair. Mine are painted black so really not the best looking. The Mid and Treble units have been replaced though so they sound pretty damn fine.

I wouldn’t know how they sound without the grills as they’re designed to be used with them in place. Which is a good thing. :wink:

I certainly get the Velcro bit! I have never seen a pair of the Rosewoods in the flesh, and you are right, they would be beauties. Enjoy your Briks, clothed or otherwise!

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Italian for me. It is easy to work out how to pronounce any word in Italian. And it has a relatively small vocabulary, which makes it easier. Plus you don’t absolutely need tenses for verbs in most cases - you can say “I see you tomorrow”.

Actually, mine are on…mostly out of fear of damage though rather than any voicing concerns.

I never own grills on my SL2s I bought them second hand,so I need your opinion if grills sound better

My Spendor A7’s did not come with grills. I’m guessing they don’t think they are necessary. I understand they can be purchased as an extra. May get them when the grandkids get a bit bigger.

I’ve had the Kudos Titan T88s for almost 1 year. Just put grills on. Really changed appearance. Haven’t decided if affects the sound. Whenever I’ve seen people post pics of the Titans, always with grills off. In theory this does protect the drivers from sunlight, dust, etc.
No young children to worry about.
Any Titan owner care to comment?


David, beautiful speakers either way, if they do not sound better one way or the other, enjoy them best how you like them!

For comparison…which looks better?