Speaker placement frustration

You beat me to it. Love the room!

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id get some whopping big boi’s in there me!haha


We all need to pop around for a party :sunglasses:

Why stop at 2 right? :slight_smile: I know 6 packs do wonders but then it’s like buying a second pair of very expensive speakers :slight_smile:

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This room is really big, but it is very appealing. I don’t know if this is possible, but have you tried turning everything 90 degrees? Speakers on the small front, firing on the long side, sofa with listening position where the brown armchair currently stands or even further into the centre of the room? The listening position would then not be in front of the wall, but would have space behind it. Speakers could be closer together, the distance to the listening position could be closer to an equilateral triangle.

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I think it would fit us all in!haha such a nice space that, and with a view


I’m starting to come to the same conclusion. I still need to treat the room but that alone won’t be sufficient. I heard Sabrina X’s twice, once with Air Tight and once with a Gryphon, it was a smaller room at a local dealer, just like my room at the time. I thought their highs were nearly equal to the C20’s I had at the time, their midrange was better, and their bass was also equal to C20. Maybe it was the amplification. Wilson aesthetic is acquired taste for some , I think of it as : if they sound great, then they’ll start looking great :slight_smile: I thought of their Sasha, thought about Magico’s but they are all quite high in price. WB is a bit hard to find in California, @ChrisBell is very happy with K6 so it’s in my radar, so is ATC but never heard of them before. I also had an moment of realization that I have a bit of curiosity to try a non-soft dome tweeter after so many Dyns back to back.


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thank you:)

Where do you live? I’d be tempted to consider different speakers too, the electronics are well up,there. Something like the Totem Winds would really fill that lovely space.

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Thank you and you’re right, the distance between speakers is equally important as their distance to the front, back, and side walls. C30’s had a predictable pattern in my previous place, responded very well to equilateral triangle setup and because of their porting design, they didn’t mind being somewhat close to the back wall.
Here in this room, they behaved the best when they are spread apart, in terms of bass performance but then I started losing top end. When I bring them closer, I start hearing a congested image. As I brought them closer, I also notice that the effect of being much farther from side wall&window also have a larger effect.
Position in the photo is not representative of any listening placement, I just put them aside like that since I paused the efforts for now.

I’m in Southern California. I’ll check the Totems out too, thanks :slight_smile:

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Yeah, that’s a really wonderful space, but I can see where it would be a challenge sonically.


that would be a fun party regardless of where it is :slight_smile:

Mate that would be brilliant, the conversations would be epic…whos got the most massaged burndies and all that good stuff

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Your Totem Forrest look nice. But these Totem Winds…let’s say , well, that it would be better that the Totem Winds be blown away by the wind :joy:

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Kef Blade, « Ahead stereo »


Reading through the thread again, two suggestions above stand out as options, at least for a trial.
@Innocent_Bystander refers to the 38% rule, if the seat on the left, back against the wall is the listening position, I have to admit I do not like listening like that, so the benefit of the 38% rule may be gained by doing as @Wilfried suggests, turning through 90 degrees. If you moved the speakers either side of the armchair, you would get space behind the listening seat?

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Yeah, they are a kind of love them/hate them look. The Element Metal V2’s are likely better for rock too.

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Been listening to Element Metal V2 quite a bit and actually prefer Tribe Tower over it’s big brother. The V2 easily gets a little too much in the treble. Unfortunately never listened to Totem Wind, they are not that common in our northern latitudes…

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