Speaker placement frustration

Guys… OP had mentioned he tried all placement of speakers already … . and perhaps after all trying , this is the best he can get …

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Logistically unlikely for soeakers! And listener? (Of course, all placement of listener logistically is easier!)

I have Confidence C2 Platinum, and they shine with my 300DR. Naim amps are stable for extended periods down to 2Ω. The OP has NC and maybe NAP350? Those should work pretty well.

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I’ve checked the specs of supernait 3 which is not linear。80W/8ohm, 135/4ohm, no data for 2ohm or 1ohm

As for Nap 500, here is quoted:
The NAP 500 DR delivers 140W per channel into 8 ohms and is capable of prolonged output into 2 ohms
with no discernible impact to performance.

If you have chance, maybe your can try class A amp like accuphase.

Life is try and shine, isn;t it ?

anyway, thanks for your kindly comments, we all love naim :smile:

I don’t believe he is using a SuperNait 3, so that’s irrelevant.

I’ve been using my C2s with 300DR for nearly six years, playing large scale orchestral music. That works beautifully. I don’t need to try a class A, if you are suggesting that I do. If the OP has 350 amps they should be enough to work well.

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I have the NAP350 monoblocks so power is definitely not an issue, at least it hasn’t been in the old place.


Thanks @maverick , helpful insights on Dynaudio’s detailed specs. I’m pretty sure the issue is more room driven, standing waves&room modes and reflections related rather than amp-cable-speaker mismatch. I’ve heard beautiful music through these speakers just about 2 months ago in my old place.

Looks great!

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350 monoblocks will drive a bus up a mountain, should not have a problem with Dynaudio C30s.


LOL…love it. I’m stealing that for future use. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the detailed insight and sharing what you’ve gone through. I agree with you on how things change when you move the speakers to the tiny amounts. It really is fascinating even when it’s frustrating that I move the speakers 1/2 inch in any direction or toe them in 1/2 inch, and the whole tone/stage/balance changes. Just to give you an idea on my inch by inch journey: those tiles on the floor are 24’ each. i tried the right speaker on 6 different tiles, various positions each! Left speaker has that column around it so I could try 5 tiles each.
The photo that’s taken is not where they sound good or any kind of adjustment, I just moved them back since I’m too exhausted from the whole 1 inch fwd/back/rigth/left/toe series of movements :slight_smile:
What I’m learning is exactly as you mentioned: speaker positioning can be of equal to a black box upgrade if you move it from the wrong spot to an optimal spot.

Wait till you see what I say about a Krell!

In my room I can hear audible changes to soundstage with movements < one cm.


It sounds familiar tale to my experience, took me best part of 3 years to resolve…… but that’s another story. My headlines in a new room that turned out to be very tricky construction wise would be :

  1. I had to sell my Focal Kanta’s as they simply didn’t work despite sounding great in my old house. The only speakers I could get to work were active Atc40’s
  2. stereo rel subs didn’t only improve the bass but brought the whole system together, couldn’t be without them now
  3. room treatment mattered in my room - first reflection points side walls and ceiling and corners / behind listening position.
  4. Townshend podiums were also a big improvement, acoustics Giai’s were good but the podiums are much better.

Maybe a good patient dealer to bring round some options but I would definitely have ATC in my list to demo.



me too! LOL

Thanks Gary, I’m glad I’m not the only one who couldn’t fix this in a few days :slight_smile: You have a beautiful room. I’m getting ready for a meeting but I’ll post the other side of my room just for perspective, I think I’m dealing with a room size issue as well. Maybe I just need bigger speakers that will muscle through the room. I’ll add more comments to your points in a bit.


You should really try to audition a pair of RELS S/812 or better, setup properly.

Your room would be perfect for a REL six-pack tuned array. I have heard that at my dealer and they are amazing. :slight_smile:


My feeling tells me you need bigger speakers to fill that big room. Or subwoofers as suggested. The positions of the speakers appear to be right for me.
Other brands : Wilson Sabrina X, Wilson Benesh Precision 2.0, Magico S5, ATC 150, BW 802, Proac K6….to eventually consider.


Confidence 50 or 60 would probably fit better in the large room you have now. If you don’t want to buy a sub or two, that is.

Now thats a room!

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