Speaker Plugs for ATOM

I’ve hooked up my NACA5 cables to the Naim plugs that came with my Uniti Atom, and everything’s working great. Now, I’m thinking of trying out some different cables, and of course, I’ll be using banana plugs. From older posts, I’ve seen many of you recommend the 4mm Deltron Nickel plugs. Are these a good match for the Atom too? Is 4mm the right size? If you’ve got other suggestions, I’m all ears! Thanks a ton for the help, as always!

yes and yes… banana plugs are standard size


Umm no. 2mm plugs exist and are used by some manufacturers for speaker outputs. As are 4mm long and 4mm shallow.

Naim amps will accept 4mm long or shallow. Speakers vary a great deal. 4mm shallow is very common on hifi and long banana plugs can bend with heavy cables unles shallows are used.

So a 1.71 € plug like this is reaaly a good plug for a 2500€ amp?
I’m not joking, I’m asking.

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Yes a deltron 4mm banana is fine.

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Deltron Plugs are good. Also on a £18k Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub.



My question may seem basic, please forgive me as I am not an expert in this field.
I noticed that the power cable is not directly connected to the banana plugs; instead, there are thin red and white wires in between. Could you clarify the rationale behind this setup? Additionally, how are these thinner wires connected to the main power cables?

They are just thin cables. The outer sheath may look thick, but the wire and inner insulation just continue through it.

These are not power (mains) cables but loudspeaker cables, namely Kudos KS-1.

The Right (Red) and Left (White) thin cables are soldered to the Deltron 4mm Banana Plugs. The thicker outer sheathing is White.

The sockets that they go into are from the Power Amplifier Cartridges.

This is the power (mains) cable which as you can see is much bigger and different connections on the other side.

Hope this explains it all.


Like this:

……only thiner!

Each to their own but I always viewed the Atom as a lovely one box solution with no faffing required. One can add a powerline for an uplift but other than that it’s plug in play and enjoy.

I pair mine with ATC11’s and naca5 and it sounds very nice.

Of course some people enjoy the experimenting and that’s fine.


Thanks to all for the answers and detailed explanations.

Yes, I did a wrong translation:
In italian we call the speaker cables as ‘cavi di potenza’ and the power cables as ‘cavi di alimentazione’ so Iwrongly translated ‘cavi di potenza’ as ‘power cables’. :wink:
Thanks for your help.

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When I had the Kudos cable it was terminated with 4mm Z plugs, like this…

They are very good, and give a nice tight fit in the sockets.

No problems, glad it made sense.


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Naim and Deltron 4mm used here no problem.


I tend to do the same. Naim plugs at Naim end, Deltrons at the other. Seeing as Deltrons come in large and small bucket, and nickel, gold, and silver, You can generally find the perfect Deltron for any speaker.

My only gripe is they don’t do 90 degree ones.

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That would have been ideal for my Kudos X3s but the only other alternative would be Naim pins but decorated with shrink tubing.
I opted for the better finish. :+1:t2:

I find that Naim’s right angled plugs are often a poor choice for an amp because the speaker cable is then directed straight down onto the shelf, which you want it to avoid. In this case Deltrons seem a better fit, unless you solder the Naim plugs straight and discard the boxes.

Conversely they are great for speakers which nearly always want the cables directed down towards the floor. So in the past I have used regular nickel plated Deltrons at the amp end and Naim SA8s at the speaker end. This worked well with a NAP200 and Kudos X2s for example.