Speaker Recommendations please 18m2 room?

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Thanks. Do you sit more or less where you are standing to take the picture? It does all look rather squashed in, and I wonder if the speakers must go they are now.

The picture doesn’t really give any perspective here.
My armchair is below the picture, the picture was actually taken from an open plan staircase at the back of the room.

The picture also makes it look more cramped than it actually is.

That said, I dont have any other furniture configuration options!

I’d want to try a better streamer (NDX2) and given your taste in music maybe a valve amp on a 4Ω tap (Prima Luna maybe) before tackling the speakers. That might just confirm your current approach but that streamer looks out if its depth despite its giant killing rep and the MAs have a pretty benign 4Ω load that might respond well to valves. Maybe loose the sub while trying things out and only reintroduce once settled.

If you can’t move the furnitures, and as actually your speakers are strangled, I would go for standmounths . Harbeth, ATC 19, Proac tablette signature, Neat ….


Not sure how available these are or their price, or even how they sound, but on paper I’d consider the new Rega Aya speaker. It looks like it may work well in your room.

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Sorry to ask again, but that wall looks more like 3.63m than 4.78m. Please confirm are we looking at one of the narrower walls?

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Yes, that is the 3.6m width of the floor space, including fire and alcoves.
The other measurement is the length.

That really does look cramped. The speakers have no space to breath. Can you possibly move the sofa to be where you are standing, its back to the stairs ?

Are the cupboards on the left of the picture absolutely necessary ? Possibly get a small hi-fi table there ?

Other than completely removing the sofa, I dont have options relating to the furniture.
In an ideal world I would use the alcoves.
Unfortunately that’s not an option.

It’s not as cramped as it looks in the picture.

An option would be to remove the unit that currently houses your hifi and create alternative storage either side of chimney breast. This would certainly create more space for your speakers and look better.
Also look for speakers that work well without too much space around them, something like PMC closed box/front firing would work better, the new PMC Prodigy5 are worth checking out. Stand mounts are also worth considering.

Transmission line speakers are frequently suggested as being among the least difficult to place. From my experience with only that type of speaker for 48 years I don’t disagree with them normally not being difficult to place, though I don’t have home experience with others to say how they compare.

To the OP, what does the other end of the room look like, and where do you sit to listen?

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I agree it’s crowded hence my suggestion to try and remove cabinet. I used PMC Twenty5 23 for a few years and they performed very well close to walls. Personally I would move my listening position and the speakers to either of the long walls.

Frankly, I see only one real possibility, the sound would be much better.


That’s remarkable given the huge 15” drivers and near wall/sides placement.

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The bass is tight. :grinning:

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Size of driver has no relation to room suitability, and side placement only relevant to side radiation intensity and nature of the reflection surfaces.