Speaker upgrade Dynaudio


just to update all, I got the Dynaudio C2 as the price was lowered and it seemed like a good deal

However when I hooked it up at home, I was not impressed.

I could not understand why, until I did some careful listening and it seems the left speaker is not working properly (maybe a tweeter problem) or a crossover problem. There is output coming out of the tweeter, but it seems to be strangely a lot less clear than the other speaker

I have contacted the Dynaudio dealer who will replace the parts, but still even with the speaker that is working properly, sure it sounds a lot better than my F260, but I could easily have lived with the Focus 260ā€¦ so I plan to get it repaired and then think about what I want to do.

The sheer size and weight of a C2 is not to be underestimated, and I do regret going ahead to buy it. Got tempted by the low price, but it is a reminder, not to buy something that I had doubts about, even if the price was too good.

Source first very much applies here, I can live with my old speaker, but I cannot live without my M scaler/Dave source !

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Can you hear a difference in the output of the two tweeters or just in one? If both tweeters have a low output compared to the ones of the other speaker it probably mean it is a crossover problem.

The output of the two tweeters in each C2 speaker wonā€™t sound quite the same because they are crossed over at different frequencies (2200, 8000 Hz).

Here are the specs and details of the C2 Platinum (which is what I have).

Thanks, didnā€™t know that!

Wow, those Esotar2 tweeters are expensive. $2,000/pair or more by now (they were $1800 when I bought a pair to upgrade some Contour S3.4 about 10 years ago).

Keep in mind that if your tweeters are replaced they take about 300-400 hrs to break in, and I mean it.

If they replace two tweeters I would probably want to reinstall the four tweeters so you have a new pair in the same spot in both speakers, the the good old pair in the other spot in both speakers, just so you have a consistent sound between speakers during and after break-in. Thatā€™s how I would do it in that situation.

thanks, but this is now an expensive repair.

I did some more listening, and I get it now, what the C2 is about, and yes overall even with the repair cost it is still worth it.

I was on an audio chat this morning and a discussion of speakers came up, with people that have been making changes. I noted that Iā€™ve had my Confidence C2 Platinum for over five years and really have no desire to change anything about them. They sound great and I donā€™t see getting rid of them. They are that good.

I have a pair of REL S/510 subs integrated with them via high-level inputs, which make them even better.

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Do you ever like consider wanting to modernize your speaker with those newer Confidence 30 or 50 for example? Or is it just a sideway changes to you?

A while back I took a handful of my records to the dealer and listened to the Confidence 30 for a bit on their Boulder system, which is how I heard the C2s while they they had them there.

I just donā€™t like the Confidence 30 as much as the C2s. My dealer agrees with me and thinks the C2s are/were in a very sweet spot of the Dynaudio line. The 30s are better in certain regards, but overall I much prefer the C2s I have.

I wouldnā€™t have upgraded anyway, since the 30s cost 50% more than my C2s did when they were discontinued. I also got a very significant discount on the C2s. I bought them because they were already discontinued and I got the last available pair from the U.S. distributor (and they were even in the piano black finish I wanted).

Long story short: thereā€™s nothing to upgrade to in my opinion.

Tks for the experience. I can see you are in a good place with senses. While I am still unsettled with my end speaker. I shall take my time.

the Dynaudio C2 is now with the dealer who confirmed one of the 4 esotar tweeters is not working and the remaining 3 have dried ferrofluid

so all 4 would need to replaced. Blimey that is expensive

wish I never bought it

Anyway I have no choice but to repair it and and then will decide what to do, most probably keep it, but I didnā€™t need the speaker in the first place.

The Focus 260 is all the speaker I neededā€¦ (with reference to my other thread where I say I am happy now, donā€™t need any more upgrades)

What I did need and did go ahead with is the Superlumina speaker cable connector repair and now it just sounds great.

curiosity is something though, I keep wondering how a Dynaudio special 40 would sound on my 202/200Dr instead of the Excite X16ā€¦

I could not agree more. Room size /acoustics are determinative. I had Kudos Titan 808s. I have no doubt they are magnificent speakers but my listening room was too small. The rest of the system was not an issue. I have moved to much smaller stand-mounts and the results are more satisfying

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I take delivery of Dynaudio Heritage Specials next week to be at the end of a 500 DR system. Looking forward to it!


Do report back if possible. I am rocking a Sprcial 40 and thinking to Titan 808 but feel it might be too big. Also considering Confidence 20. Why didnā€™t you consider 20?

Hello Naimister

I couldnā€™t really find a thread specifically about these speakers.
Does anyone have any experience with Dynaudio, Contour S 1,4 LE for Naim Nac 272 and Nap250DR?
They are small speakers, but I have heard that they can produce really good sound and a solid soundstage. Any experience with how the bass is?
Thanks in advance

@Peter63 - Not sure if itā€™s the answer to your question but I use Dynaudio S40s on the end of a NAC 72/NAP 250 combo, and I am extrtemely happy with the sound they make ā€“ quite extraordinary for their size; Naim and Dynaudio seem like a very good match.

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I had standard Contour S1.4s (not LE) driven with a 250-2 amp and they sounded great. I ended up adding a sub and later upgraded to S3.4 because I listen to a lot of classical orchestra music and just wanted a bigger sound. Thatā€™s the last time I used bookshelf speakers in my main system, but for speakers of that size they sounded fantastic.

I wouldnā€™t drive them with anything less than a 250 though. They need a lot of current to really shine.

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Thank you. I donā€™t know the S40, maybe itā€™s the same size? Are they hard to drive?

At the moment I have the choice to buy the previous model s1.4
Or the successor s1.4 LE. Several people say there has been an improvement.
I note that you had to buy a subwoofer,
On the other hand, I donā€™t listen to classics. Once in a while I do.
Also glad you think it takes a Nap 250 to drive them.
The previous owner had a Nap 200 for these Dynaudio

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