Speaker upgrade - Kudos Titan 606?

Likewise - 5 or 6 years for me. Lovely speakers and easy to place in the room. Not very efficient but easy to drive.

No - that’s it. You can try a bit with different positions… toe in not recommended

Dunno - are they easy to drive. I think I will only know, if I put a 500 in front

Yes, easy to drive. Mine worked great with an SN3 and obviously the 332/350 is even better.

Which should work fine in my listening room, as that’s pretty much how my current speakers are positioned.

I’ve heard them passive and active with everything from a Supernait, 250, 300DR and 500DR and they’ve all driven them well. I had a 300DR when I got mine and I’d have been quite happy with that had I not tried a 500DR at home. It never left the building :smile:


Yeah - but both have some watts to offer. But I think even a 50 Watt option will work.

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Have you tested 250 (non dr) also.
With 135 all is fine - but really think 500 will beat it, but that’s not on 606 alone :blush:

I’ve listened to the 606 at my dealers on 2 occasions with the NC 200 kit and also a pair of 707s on a full (6 box) 300 series. I wanted to love them, I had planned on them being my upgrade path, but I really didn’t take to them. To my ears they sounded slow and heavy and a little dull.

I say this to reinforce the idea of a home demo. It’s your view that counts.

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Well, I’ve decided to ‘’kick the can down the road’ since this opportunity doesn’t fit with my planned budget and timeframe (as discussed with SWMBO). However, my plan later in the year to audition speakers will now include 606s, just in case I’m able to find another good deal used. Head over heart if you will.


It’s all a comparison… where do you come from?
Compared to closed speakers they are slower.
But slower also tends to be more relaxed.
They are far from dull (even the opposite) but a bit darker, than my SBL.

Maybe I am just used to (and enjoy) a more bright and lively presentation? I have b&w speakers, which replaced some earlier b&w speakers a few years ago. B&w don’t get much love on this forum, but I really like them.

I am not in the market for speakers right now, but when I am (next 12 months, probably) I will try to demo as many as possible. I’ll revisit the Kudos then - like I said, I really want to love them, I think they look fantastic.

BW are totally fine and tend to be a bit brighter.
As sbls are also.
I had (and someday have) some thoughts on the kudos being too dark, but with this comes an enormous deep and breathing sound… wonderful

Love my 606. A big factor in me choosing them was they work best within a few feet of a back wall so easy to live with. Also, they sound amazing!


That was my main decision also. No need to put them in the middle of the room.


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