Speakers for active system

That will still be using the internal passive XO, so not active driving.you still need to remove or bypass the internal XO.

On Kudos speakers all you have to do is remove the qty 4 links on each speaker and then use the correct terminals to connect directly to the drive unit. Does require an extra run of speaker cable for each speaker. Obviously additional amplification and separate crossover unit pre amplification required to enable active setup.

Ah, thanks for clarification - so Kudos speakers allow for easy bypassing of internal XO. Excellent!

Maybe a bit more clarity.

Kudos Speaker connection (Kudos Cardea Super 10A, 20A or Titan 505,606 or 707):

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 10.01.14

For Naim using 2 x 250 and SNAXO 242 with any of Kudos Cardea Super 10A, 20A or Titan 505,606 or 707.

Lots more detail on the Kudos website.

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This is the input panel of the Titan 808. In passive mode the passive inputs are linked by link cables provided with the speakers together with the four links. In active mode the links are removed and the mid and treble soeaker cables connected there instead. Simple really.

I do wish Naim Audio still made the SNAXO 362!


Peter bought the remaining stock, so may well have one available.

There’s always the telephone…

On the Kudos loudspeakers, removal of the links bypasses the internal crossover.

Nice and easy.


If you a determined to listen to Naim active you will need to find an active system. I find Nac 52/SCDR, Nap250-2[3], Snaxo362,NBLs, sounding excellent with my CDs and albums. Definitely worth pursuing!

@Neilm8, have you lost interest and are those of us posting helpful information simply wasting our time?I know you were disappointed upon learning about the restricted nature of the now discontinued Snaxo, but as some of us have pointed out there are other approaches.

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@Innocent_Bystander it’s a good point and it has been happening quite a bit recently. You probably saw the specific thread on such subject.
On another thread the OP expressed annoyance at dropouts, posted once more, then radio silence for a week. When prompted for an update to advice received - ah, all fine now and well, been away !
Posted v quickly after the prompt !
As a result, for any posts from new members or very infrequent contributors, I am now refraining from posting. Re-reading this thread, first three posts after op, offered wishes; unacknowledged.
That’s why I am out away on these threads.


Sorry all been really busy at work 14hr plus days trying to follow when i can please keep posting


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Ok guys another question i have seen a pair of kudos 20a’s that i can buy i can run them passive for now then what would the route to go active would this be snaxo or kudos crossover path


Or a.n.other self- setting AXO of your choice.

Exposure is another possible active crossover

In your budgetting do not forget the cost of cables. In my set up (Kudos Titan 808 with 3x 250 DR) I needed six x 5m lengths of Chord Signature XL (at £350 pm) = over £10k. If you can get the cables included (NAC A4 is very good) it is well worth it!

Alternatively position amps beside speakers (though not so good where minimum cable length is required), or active speakers with no speaker cables needed!


I have got the nac a5 cables 2 x 5m for one 250 Dr and the highcap Dr with a 282 this is why i was asking originally i want to add another 250 Dr with Highcap Dr and go active but at the moment i will upgrade the speakers and run them passive until i can obtain another 250 and snaxo if that makes sense then i can go fully active as i want to upgrade the speakers now then i can run passive and get the rest in due course but i will be ready if i choose the correct speakers now

A number of peps have posted here, myself included and yet instead of engaging, which takes a moment to explain you will read and revert later and if you don’t have time to engage, wait before OP.

Now you wish to ask another question, fixated on active speakers, not the speaker which sound best to and for you, your room and your preferences. Cart before the horse springs to mind.

If you start a thread, be prepared to respond to any reasonable questions, particularly those which ask for info. You’ve made some snarky remarks about Naim kit, unwisely imho.
Post as you see fit, but some of us, see post 51, feel that some peps are taking advantage of the forum.
It took @Innocent_Bystander to nudge a response from you; so I’m out!

Just to tease :wink: