Speakers for active system

I will get there one day :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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No problem i want out but cannot close this if you think i have all day to sit and answer every response on this well i dont some of us have work to do and the work enviroment i am employed in means i am not allowed any electrical or flammable materials with me therefore no electronics, lighters etc so i have no access to this site for fourteen hours then i have to eat and sleep i wish i could sit and discuss every response but i do not have time istarted a discussion while i was off work for a couple of days hoping to learn from more experienced people not to have a continuous discussion with people.

No-one expects constant on-time. But after asking something it would seem reasonable and appropriate, not to say polite, to at least once a day or so check back in, and either answer people’s well meaning queries - which after all have been asked purely in order to help YOU - or if insufficient time just post a quick note acknowledging and informing that you don’t have time to respond but will be back in x days, or something like that, or if you’ve lost interest or changed direction say so!

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Ah the joys of social media. :pensive:

I think Snaxos for Kudos speakers are rarer than hens teeth. If you are serious about active ( and why not, I’ve been an active fan since the late 80’s) the cheapest way in would be with Naim or Linn speakers. If looking at Kudos you will probably need to investigate other crossover options. The forthcoming Kudos Sigao sounds very interesting.


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