Speakers that sound good at low volumes

The efficient Mission 752 speakers of old were superb for low listening levels, easily as good as Naim’s own back in the day if i recall. The experience was like wearing a pair of headphones, but without the actual headphones on.

As brilliant as the 752s were, I don’t think I’d pair them with anything more than a 92/90. And the CD3/92/FC/90/752 was one seriously fun and perfectly balanced system.

I’m surprised to see so many small speakers here.

I often find that for low listening, larger speaker with big drivers (which are actually easier to drive and get moving than small long throw drivers) give a far more convincing low volume presentation.

It’s also clear reading back that “low volume” means nothing. Clearly some people’s idea of low volume is my idea of very loud. When I think of low, I think of actually quiet replay you can talk over like 55db to 65db peaks.


Even to this day i still look back with rose tinted glasses on…

Sigh :nerd_face:

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If you love the sound, the Kudos SUPER 20A would be the best choice.

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I’d often thought about them but my X3s do everything I need and certainly don’t lack
I’ve often wondered if the reason for discontinuing the X2 & X3 was because it held back sales of the other models.
They are certainly a bargain, :+1:t2:

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Kudos said at the time that they were no longer able to get the cabinets made to the same standard. The construction and veneer quality was particularly good for speakers at that price, so I guess they weren’t prepared to find another maker at a lower standard.
I suspect that as a small company they were also more focused on developing the Titan range, which I think is where their real ambitions lay.


My Klipsch Cornwall III which I recently sold to save some money, were superb at low levels - and loud levels too. The high sensitivity can make amplifier matching difficult, as most amps are too high in gain. The TRON Atlantic 300B with its 9W output and 2V input sensitivity would be superb. I had very good results with a pair of restored Quad II monoblocks, which deliver about 15W for 1.4V input. The 50W Quad 303 was no good, as it’s about 9 times the input sensitivity.

I’ve had quite a few BBC-style boxes over the years and currently have Harbeth Super HL5. These are reputed to be good for low-level listening but the Klipsch were better.

Yes, I am very happy with my SL2s for low and very low volume listening, which is about 80% of my listening.

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For low volume listening, pushing back the speakers near the front wall will help restore low frequencies. Powerful amplifiers can also help restore bass even at low volumes.

Too bad most audio manufacturers eliminated tone and loudness controls for… what exactly?

In our home, around 60dB is the comfortable volume for me and the aesthetics committee. Maybe as much as 65. I’m interested as well, as my SL2s sound great at low-ish volumes, but are a bit bass-recessed (hence my current speaker search)

Harbeth P3’s sound good at low volume. I bought them mainly to match my very difficult room, and listen to them louder but their clarity and bass at low volume really make you say “wow”. I’m driving them with a SuperUniti.

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This seems like a reasonable set of examples:

Where 70 to 79 includes washing machine and a coffee grinder! :grinning: i.e. not at all quiet.


I do love the look of those Klipsch speakers. Never heard them so can’t comment but have always wanted a pair!

Yeah, the Klipsch Heritage Series has a few great models.

The problem being, I’ve never heard of anyone using Naim amps successfully with them.

Also unusual for an American speaker that the Heritage series are designed to go close to a boundary or even in a corner. But they stem from an old school pre-soundstage era and are floor huggers.

But there is definitely a sort of comfortable vibe from just looking at them. Ditto classic JBLs.

I am sure there are a couple Naim/Klipsch users. I suggest searching “Klipsch” in the 2021/2/3 system pics threads.


In 2021, no one using Klipsch with Naim.

Just this:



Dec '21

I’m sitting in a cafe right now with a pair of Klipsch Heresy playing jazz and it sounds very good.

In my experience with several PMC speakers (which I love)… they are not that great at low volumes…they love being whipped by a nice big amp… I have heard a Kilpsch Heresy…which was amazing at low levels…

Having many pairs of PMCs in the past and now, I totally agree with that. They like a bit of well to wake up. My high sensitivity large driver speakers on the other hand excel in this area. I’m sure big PMC monitors are a different story though.

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Yes the Harbeths sound good at low volume, interesting that other speakers on this thread like the Spendor and Falcon have much the same heritage


Just sit a little further away maybe? Problem solved at no expense.

Without wanting to sound too flippant, I’ve always thought that the measure of a good hifi is if going out of the room, but leaving the door open, it still sounds good.

And if it sounds good with the door closed, you know you’ve got a ******** awesome system.

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