System Pics 2021

I am a bit of a speaker novice, but recently I took my auralic and listened to a fair amount of music through a supernait driving living voice obx r3. I really enjoyed the living voice sounds.
That said I am happy with what I have at the moment. The SL2 have just had the last but 2 tweeter pair from musicline German distributor for Naim.

Naim speakers just take you straight to the music, I can’t get enough of them, because I love music so much. Place 5 of them in a room with a good surround processor and my God does it sound real. A simple stream from YouTube throws you into a sound field that is so immersive that you just feel you are there. The screen is a 120 inch drop from the ceiling type with a JVC DLP projector, so that also brings scale, but with the DBLs, their scale needs to be matched with a large image. The SL2s are used as rears because they were my main speakers for so long and I adore them. I was never going to part with them so they just sit up the back and if ever I downsize, the perfect 2 way is ready for me. I know they’re talents are wasted back there but that’s better than letting them go.


Super Mario :+1:t3::wink: Enjoy Peter


You really should be using the spikes for best performance.

Hello Wren - How do you like the CD5si’s performance?

I’m sitting in a cafe right now with a pair of Klipsch Heresy playing jazz and it sounds very good.

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Brought the UnitiLite out of retirement for youngest son’s 21st party.
Enabled bluetooth connection and secret volume limiter the main system lacks.
After hours of high volume work the Lite was protesting - too hot. The boys rigged up this heat diffuser which worked a treat. Good alternative to spikes me thinks….


Nipper ready for Christmas.

PS Camera position and perspective exaggerate the tilt of the speaker. They are more upright IRL. :slightly_smiling_face:


Would also order in white again. With the audio physic possibly in light gray

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The A21 is a wonderful amplifier. In the right system, very difficult to better without spending silly money.

Did you have to wait long to get yours from order?

I ordered mine in July and the delivery date has been pushed to Feb/March next year!

After decades of amazing service I still think that the original design of Densen takes some beating.


Just enjoying Sunday morning listening, with glorious morning sun streaming through the windows.

Having moved home a few weeks ago, yesterday we finally found time to get all our vinyl records out of their moving boxes. Here is where we’ve got to…

It’s so nice to have all our records out, available to browse and play.
But, it’s still a work in progress. When time allows, we continue to experiment with the system set up and speaker position in this new room to figure out what works best and how we like things.

System details
Linn LP12 → Rega Aria → Naim NAC72 → HiCap → NAP140 → NACA5 → Epos ES14 , c/w dedicated Epos floor stands. Dedicated mains. Wireworld Matrix2. Naim Power-Line Lite. Naim interconnects.

Also shown, the Naim CD5XS → DC1 → Naim DAC is squatting for the time being, but will go in another room eventually.


Love those Es14’s, were out of range for me back in the day and had to go Es11’s.


That looks really good, especially the Epos on their incredibly 80s stands. Who needs sleek and modern?! I think if it was mine, I’d be losing the small section in the middle and moving the two larger sections together, to give more space to the speakers. The Hicap and 140 could go on top, in place of the squatters. Of course, it’s a 250 you really need, which was what the ES14s were designed with.

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Thanks. I genuinely love these ES14’s too.
They are counted amongst my very best friends and have been with me through life since buying new in the late 1980’s. They came from Sound Advice, which used to be in Loughborough.

They went into storage for a while - maybe 1999 to 2014 - while other bits of HiFi got used more. So, despite being 30+ years young, have only been used maybe half that time. Several years ago, I bought a second pair, to secure spare parts.

They really are a fantastic speaker and keep giving. On every occasion we’ve changed or improved our system, they always seem to be good for the next step and reveal more.

With a good relationship with a friendly hi-fi dealer, I’ve had the great fortune to audition several possible modern alternatives, (most of the usual suspects) and I’ve yet to be persuaded to change them.

Maybe my ears have just moulded to these old friends.

But, they work really well with our LP12 and the Naim olive shoe boxes, which seems to be a “spiritual home” for these lovely speakers. So, we’ll probably use them in this vinyl based system.


Simply a beautiful system in an equally beautiful room.

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That looks great, especially with the sunlight and appropriate artwork.

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Sometimes a design just does what it does so well that others might be different but never better.

I never got the best out of my Epos’s, Classic mismatch of “best buys”. Had mine on the end of a Cyrus 2 / PSx combination, they made way for ProAc Studio 100s after a few years and then lots of chopping and changing.

I’ve learnt my mistakes and hang on to classics now, got a couple of pairs of Guru Qm10 speakers, what they do right few others can and have them on my second system which is Densen based.

Great avatar btw, massive 2000ad fan from childhood and have the Dredd books.

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Almost similar to heybrook HB1 and stands. I kick myself for throwing mine away.
Especially since they are completely serviceable :frowning:
Nice little speaker at the time where they were partnered with my lp12 plus lv basik arm and Linn k18 cartridge together with chrome bumper NAC42N and NAP110

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Thanks @anon4489532

Listening to music and the room setting is so often a joint decision and involves practical “real world” issues and aesthetics as well as attempting to achieve a best set up. We all make different decisions, for personal reasons. Context is often important…

We deliberately went out and found a nice Naim “shoe box” system, to go in between our LP12 and Epos ES14 speakers. We love the shoe boxes. We also aimed to keep box count (and size) as low as possible, in this room. So, a NAP180 or 250 is a no. Actually, the NAP140 is just lovely. The result is just perfect for us.

Yes, the speakers could do with more space. For example, we’ve already established they work better placed a little further out from the wall. The photo shows where they sit most of the time for background music listening.

The top surface will probably stay clean when the CDP eventually moves. If anything, our plan is to place a table lamp in that space. That side of the room needs a light source. This will also help browsing and playing records.

The amount of storage is selected to accommodate all our vinyl records. Plus a few more records, which will be added in the years ahead.

In this room, we intend the focus (the real star) should be the records. This “snug” room sits between the kitchen and the dining room. We hope to have lots of fun entertaining with friends and family in the years ahead by sharing and enjoying music. After all, browsing and playing from a record collection is so much more fun as a social activity. We’re so lucky that most of our close friends enjoy listening to music too.

Finally, we are fortunate to have another room, for HiFi and music. We have plans for “optimising” HiFi set up in there, where aesthetics and socialising matter less.

The earlier photo, was as much about the lovely sunlight.

Just listening to John Martyn - Glorious Fool (1981).