
Hi. S400 speakers, bmr, grilles on or off, your opinion

Stev king

Id say on, your eyes you decide. Have fun.


I’ve had two pairs of SBLs, one of Arivas, two of Ovator S-400s, seven pairs of n-Sats (last one playing now).
Never removed a single grill.


Round here, Steve, men are not allowed into pubs on a hot Summer day without shirts. Likewise, keep the grilles on.

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@Steven Nice to see you here, but a non generic thread title with a question in it would be preferable!

99.99% of forum users will not be listening in your room, so try both options yourself and decide.

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What were you thinking about for the 0.01% :joy:

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I included him as a forum user!

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I owned a pair of Ovator S400 speakers and the grills were left on.

Never thought of taking the grills off since they sounded absolutely fabulous and were beautiful when I saw them in the showroom and then again when they arrived home and were set up in my living room.

When they’re off my opinion is that they’re not on, and I’m pretty certain my opinion when they’re off they’re not on.

If you wonder which way they look or sound best, I have no opinion, but for yourself if you have the speakers you can find out either or both very quickly…

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I have both S600s and S400s - never considered without.
Removing grills is a delicate undertaking at the best of times.
AFAIK these are unlikely to still be able as spares - utmost care required to remove.

Considerably more important, is to ensure the torque setting on each driver has been periodically reset - any idea when you last did yours?

I use n-SATs and leave the grilles removed at all times. However, with all the other Naim speakers i’ve owned in the past, grilles always most certainly on. Whether this important to anyone else here is of course irrelevant.


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