Spotify Connect not working

Anyone else having problems tonight?
I’ve reset all devices/ router and Atom but nothings working.

Yes. Not working on my NAD equipment either.

Phew, flaky Spotify tonight i reckon. Thanks for replying.

Yes, wasn’t connecting to any device on my network, particularly my 5XS2.
Reset my mesh unit and all ok now.

Just tried it and it connected to 2 or our Alexa’s. No problens at all

Problems with it in Canada today to any Spotify Connect capable devices.

same here (Berkshire)
why don’tthey email everyone when their having problems to save us all mucking about?

I checked again this morning, connecting to my 851n on the extender wifi network: again, no problems…

Spotify was flaky around 18:00 last night

cutting out for no apparent reason this morning…

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