Stacking 300 series

What’s the best stacking for 333/300/332/300/NC350x2.

I would say:


And empty shelves above each 350 for the ultimate.


The transformer in the NPX300 looks smaller than that of the NAP350 so definitely 350s furthest away from 332/333, but if we’re going with a gaps, I’d have thought the ultimate would be:
Left Right
332 300
Gap 300
333 350
Gap 350

If you want visual symmetry and/or no gaps, might be worth considering:
Left Right
332 300
333 350
300 350

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You could stack them at my place and save you the hassle. :grin:


Same as always… Power amps as low as possible. Sources & Preamps as high as possible. PSU’s in between. Simples… :crazy_face:

……and perhaps if using 2 racks, PSUs and Power amps on the right hand side as the transformers (AFAIK) are on the right and will therefore be furthest away from streamers and preamps.

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Noob questions… I am new to the Naim brand so : 1. Is the NSS333 a preamplifier that you can connect directly to an amp like NAP350 or do you absolutely need the NAC332 preamp? 2. Do the NAP350 comes in pair (since they are monoblocks) or is the price for one? Thanks

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The NSS 333 is a Streamer only - its not a Preamp.
So it needs to be used with one - such as the NAC 322.

I assume - but do not know - the NAP350’s are sold as a pair…?
Yes - just checked - price is for a pair… :expressionless:


Thanks!!! Just checked the price in cad for the kit NSS333 + NAC322 + NAP350 = $40,000cad before taxes. So $45,600…ouch…

Also for top sound quality you need to add two NPX 300 power supplies….

Do you absolutely need them??? you just add another $25000cad…so before taxes and speakers,cables, stands etc…we’re at $65000cad…man…out of my league. On final, its a $100,000cad sound system. I will stay with my AtomHE and Focal Stellia.

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I doubt that you ‘absolutely need them’.

You don’t “absolutely need them”. And anyway you can add one or both of them anytime later.

This is the first time that Naim have sold equipment of the quality of the 333 and 332 with built in power supplies. But I’m sure they will be adequate. No doubt there will be reports of how the system sounds with and without the external power supply upgrades. But you can worry about that later!

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Any chance of explaining differences between NDX2 and NSS333 apart from the obvious packaging differences @davidhendon ?

Sorry I have no more knowledge about that than the rest of the members here!

OK, thanks anyhow.

That being said, it is priced around what its designed to replace. Previously, without a streamer a 252/SC combo & a 300DR was ~$49K+tax, add in the NDX2 & you were ~$60K. So in Canada they are actually priced very similar, with some of the new 300 series actually being cheaper.

I understand. Too many boxes, too much $$$ for me.

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