stageline history

Hi, is anyone able to comment on the differences with the stageline, i.e. 3 sets of sockets vs 2 on the back, and their significace? thanks

The Stageline originally had two sets of sockets - a DIN5 for Taking in 2 x24V DC power from a suitable Naim power supply or the powered AUX2 of a Naim pre-amp, and for outputting the line level signal back into the pre-amp or PSU + pre-amp, and a pair of RCA Phonos (or optionally a pair of BNCs) to take in the signal from the cartridge via the tonearm and associated cabling.

Then Naim developed the NAIT 5i, a stripped out high performance integrated amp at a very affordable price. To save money this did without a powered AUX 2 or any means of upgrading via an improved dedicated power supply for the pre-amp. This meant that NAIT 5i owners who wanted to play vinyl had to buy the Flatcap 2 as well as the Stageline, which rather nullified the cost savings of the amplifier itself. So Naim outsourced a basic but decent quality linear PSU for powering either the Stageline, or a Headline, or even a Firewire iPod of the time. This was called the i-Supply and it made the Stageline a far more affordable option for NAIT 5i owners. Only problem was that the i-Supply could only supply power, and signal could not be routed back through it in the normal Naim fashion (Keeping system and signal earths close). This wasn’t an issue with the Headline, but did require Naim to revise the Stageline accordingly so that signal could be taken from the back of the unit via a DIN4.


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