Stageline N with NAC 72

Hardly short-sighted. Naim stopped making 3 series boards many, many years ago. Demand dropped to a point where it made no sense to continue. Eventually the same thing happened with 5 series boards too. So many were floating around on the second-hand market.

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Definitely true for the UK.

No shortage of the various boards - 3xx and 5xx - used, on eBay and beyond… :sunglasses:

I have bought 323 E boards and 523 S boards, in recent years. I have sold 323 K boards. No problem.

Have you a Naim 4-5 interconnect to return the signal to the NAC 72 too? If so, you are in business.

You and I have created a few E boards between us !

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I just sent a set of 523 S boards to @Darran … He did the magic, with parts from Salisbury.

My 323 E board came like that… :smiley:

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