Stageline with Hicap DR

Hi to all!
First Topic for me!
I want to ask , if a Stageline can be supported by a Hicap DR and if it is make sense.
At the Moment i am using a 282 with to Hicaps, perhaps i will change to a 252 with Supercap and will Sell the 282 only with one Hicap, using the other one with the Stageline ( if possible).
Thanks for your comments!
Kind regards

You can run a Stageline with a HiCap.
See link below…


I went from 82 to 52, rather than 282 to 252, but the gist is vey much the same -lots more subtlety and detail and no loss of boogie.

You may decide, if you get a 252, that a Stageline is then the weak point. That could well lead to a s/h Superline.

The Superline is very adjustable and very good - and made better by using a Z-foil air-plug. Having got that, we compared powering it from a Hicap or directly from the 52. The difference was small but direct power from the pre-amp (and hence indirectly from a Supercap) was preferred by all.

Several have gone further by using a separate Supercap to power a Superline. A few have even done that with a Stageline.

I have not tried the comparison with a Stageline of Hicap versus direct power. However, the Superline experience suggests that you might benefit from comparing both options if you get a 252. It may give you one more box to sell…

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Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I understand your thinking, but I think it is possible that you might find running your Stageline from AUX2 on the NAC252 is preferable to running it from a HCDR. And even more likely if your NAC252 is powered from a SupercapDR rather than Supercap.



I ran my Stageline with HCDR from the get go - then having a Supercap 2 arrive I tried that after awhile…was very pleasantly surprised by what it brought - still remember my initial reaction playing the first LP with SC2, American Beauty by the Grateful Dead.
More of… well, just more of. It’s just the Supercap effect - for me at least.

The SC2 now powers a Superline. Beautiful.
I did try HCDR with SL…SC2 stayed.

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If using a 252, then the powered Aux input is fed by a dedicated rail passed through from the SuperCap. But on the 282 it is split off the shared rails. So on a 282, a HiCap for the StageLine makes sense ( it’s how I run mine). But if a 252 is in your future, I’d hold off.

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Seconded. I used a Stageline K into a 252 Aux 2 input for 15 years and it performed admirably…

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Hi to all, thanks a lot for your answers, they helped me definitly.
I just opened another topic about cabeling between source, pre etc.
Kind regards

Stageline S + Olive Hicap → NAC82 + Olive Supercap.

Seems to work!

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