Stanley Clarke

Might not be everyone’s taste but I was playing this album yesterday.

The record (Stanley Clarke - ‘If this bass could only talk’) I reckon is worth it for track 4 alone, the beguiling ‘Stories to Tell’ with Stuart Copeland on Drums and the late Alan Holdsworth on guitar.


Great bass player. School Days was one of those albums that introduced me to Jazz/Rock. The ST album is also a great album…along with much of Return to Forever. Must give a spin, been a while.


Plus he’s still in good shape and performing live. Good to see.

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Yup a master on both electric and double - we were fortunate to see him 10ish years ago in a duet with Chick Corea and 5ish years before that with Hiromi in a quartet - both in San Sebastian.

It turns out I have this recording in my library. Wow, great sound, and you’re right, Stories to Tell is a great tune. So involving.

The Gregory Hines “Basically Taps” is amazing.
Seen Stanley Live a short time ago the place was shakin.
Got to meet him too.
:wink: :+1:t2:


I recommend the album ‘Journey to Love’ (preferably on vinyl)

The track ‘Silly Putty’ is superb. Classic funky bass line, fab horns and a great system work out.


‘Lopsy Lu’ from ‘Stanley Clarke’ (1974) :+1::smiley:.


My favourite album :+1: of him. The first one too.
School days finally.

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Hideaway is an album I’ve owned for years and every time I play it think it’s well overdue.

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Enjoy Stanley on this live recording it sounds great. :+1:t2:


Thanks for the recommendation, I will try and acquire this album


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Try this :slightly_smiling_face:


Good call, thanks. Definitely worth a listen.

Lopsy lu was the track that we used to crank up prior to going out on the lash- set the mood perfectly @crispyduck :sunglasses:

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What a line-up! I’ll look for the disc for this reason alone.

I forgot I had this lp I also had another from the same sessions my cousins produced it too. I will dig it out later for a listen. I have very nostalgic memories of my lp12 ittock 3 etc I remember loving the very smooth sound it had at the time. But I do love my Nottingham deck and it’s so much cheaper so I ring be going back. Enjoy

How many bass players to change a light bulb?

One. The rest to just sit around and argue about how Stanley Clarke would have done it.


Every day is a School Day. :+1:t2:

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Very good Sir