Statement disappointment

I mostly go the other way. I have a reasonably large collection of pre-recorded reels from the '60s and '70s and little by little I transcribe them to hi-resolution digital, many to help preserve them, as some I play quite regularly. So recording from one format to another does sometimes make sense.

Well I can sort of understand that. if those recordings are simply not available anywhere else. Otherwise I think I would have to conclude that the ‘signature’ of warmth is being applied to the digital, something I would imagine a tone control or DSP could achieve?

I guess maybe the tape was changing the sound to a more pleasing and softer sound

But I guess in the end Mitch will go for the S1 modification if the price is reasonable!

My first encounter with a CD player was when a house mate got one around the late 80s, for the price of a very good record deck. It made music boring and irritating in equal measures but a cassette recorded from it was an easier listen. Digital has come on a bit since then but it seems the tape trick was still working ten years ago. @Richard.Dane do you have an ND555 handy? We know @Mitch hasn’t, anyone else playing around with a Revox with an ND555?

I’ve seen that phrase used in CD player and digital streamer reviews for well over a decade!


But since the invention of the Chord Hugo for me it was a reality

I owned a naim Dac V1 before and that was superb too

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Mofi has been getting their pressings back in more often now, lots of 45 rpm versions out there. Just received Tiger Lilly from Natalie Merchant.


I don’t doubt it for a second :laughing:
Audio is all about subjectivity…

When CD was first marketed, I think it was under the banner: Perfect Sound For Ever. Oh dear.

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No doubt. I just find it amusing that reviews/reviewers have been using that same phrase for so long now, like they’ve suddenly encountered a device to definitively settle the debate, and yet, you never have to wait too long before something else comes along which really settles the debate … and then the next one, etc.


I can pretty much guarantee that within a month or so, you’ll find a review that says:

“with the their new Organik DAC architecture Linn have put an end to the digital versus analogue debate.”


Suggested the same thing way up in the thread. If it’s only for background music then ultimate sound quality doesn’t really matter. Doubt I’d want a Statement modified for the sake of a bit of background music especially if there’s a possibility that it might have an impact on ultimate sound quality.

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There may well be a modification that Naim could do here but a few thoughts:

  1. It will likely involve the S1 being shipped back to Salisbury;

  2. Might the mod have a detrimental impact on overall performance / SQ if this was originally why Naim decided not to include recording capability?

  3. Might it be more difficult to sell a non standard S1 if Mitch ever wanted to down the road?

Mitch, I have been reading the thread with attention but didn’t contribute much as I was not capable of providing a solution to the problem - fortunately, other Forum members and Naim themselves stepped in and that’s great.

While I cannot even start to feel sorry for you - as you say, you own one of the finest pieces of audio gear on the planet - I certainly can understand your R2R passion.

My late father-in-law used to have a fine reel-to-reel, with which he recorded live FM concerts on CBC radio and Met Opera. But at some point the deck failed and he went years without one. He did, however, keep his precious tapes.

Ten years ago, on Christmas, without saying anything, I gave him a used Akai reel to reel I had found. We spent the whole Xmas eve listening to his old tapes. Gaston was so emotional he actually cried once or twice listening to his beloved tapes again.

Sorry for highjacking your thread a little, but you story reminded me of that anecdote.



Yes, I’ve acquired quite a few of them. Generally, they are wonderful. though I don’t have Tiger Lily (on vinyl). The Dire Straits’ set on 45 are spectacular, if you haven’t heard them and their Ultradisc One-step recordings are to die for. I have 4 of those -“Blood on the Tracks”, “Fragile”, “Texas Flood” and “Couldn’t Stand the Weather”. Very expensive ($125 US), but a whole new level of enjoyment.

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Suggested the same thing way up in the thread. If it’s only for background music then ultimate sound quality doesn’t really matter. Doubt I’d want a Statement modified for the sake of a bit of background music especially if there’s a possibility that it might have an impact on ultimate sound quality.

I agree. It would defeat the entire philosophy at the heart of the Statement. Hopefully, that would not be the case.

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Claude, that is a truly wonderful story! Well done!!!


Hi Clare,

I was wondering whether there’s any updates from Steve Sells yet… I would love to speak with him, if possible as I have a few questions that might require his expertise.

Thank you, Mitch

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Hi Mitch. Naim Service and Support are fully up to speed with your situation - if you contact them, they can discuss options. I’m afraid we can’t offer people a hotline direct to Steve, or we’d never get new products designed!


Who should I ask to speak to there? What is the best way to contact them by phone?