Statement disappointment

Mitch, now I’m confused. You say Naim have not been in contact with you for 3-4 weeks but Clare posted in response as to you less than 2 weeks ago. She asked you to let her have the ticket number. Did you give this number to her so she could follow it up for you as she requested?

As I posted to you a couple of days back, it’s Easter hold and Naim will be back on Tuesday.


I assure you, there is no “foot stomping” here. I was asked about this situation by a fellow forum member and simply responded. And to be clear, I do not expect Naim to reverse engineer the Statement for me. I am just expecting better communication.

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this whole thing is taking on a life of its own. I am not looking to perpetuate a public airing of grievances. Clair wrote that I would not be able to speak with Mr. Sells as he is too busy. She suggested I contact Naim service, either by phone or email. I called, spoke to someone who too a message to have someone call me back the next day. That was about 2 weeks ago.


Ok, ‘foot stomping’ was probably a bit harsh but at least give Naim half a chance to solve a very unique problem!

Hope it gets sorted for you though as you have a killer system there. Well 2 amazing systems!

Cheers, Rack.


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If I may be so bold, it’s probably best to keep communication direct with Naim. Airing this stuff publicly does nobody any good. It’s unfortunate that you bought something without ensuring it does exactly what you want, and it’s hardly Naim’s fault. I’m sure they are very busy and it would be disappointing if someone received special treatment simply because they have sufficiently deep pockets to be able to afford a Statement. You’ll just have to wait in line like everyone else.


I have to say I didnt see this coming
In my opinion Mitch has been very open in accepting that this issue is of his own doing and has been very civil in his responses
His complaint appears to be with the lack of communication from Naim after he was told to contact them.
His response was prompted today by other forum members asking what the progress was and Mitch replied honestly
I don’t feel Mitch deserves some of the innuendo he has received ,
Especially as he has been a genuine supporter of Naim products and this forum in general …


I’m sorry that is your takeaway. The reality is quite different. I never looked for special treatment nor did I blame Naim for my oversight. I also have not mentioned this situation publicly at all since my initial post, nearly 3 weeks ago, excepts as a reply to a fellow forum members’ queries. If you are tired of hearing about this, I can understand, as I am weary of explaining it.

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I know. But some of your posts do suggest a sense of entitlement, which very likely wasn’t intended. Fixing the problem might give Naim ‘bragging rights and good publicity’. They get bragging rights from making bloody good HiFi, not from helping some bloke who didn’t perform due diligence.


Thank you. and I can assure you that Naim has had, and will continue to have, the time it takes to address my situation. I can also assure you that I fully appreciate how fortunate I am to be able to enjoy music at the level the Statement (and other components) provides. The experience is absolutely delightful! Again, my earlier offer stands for anyone on the Forum to visit to share in the pleasures.

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You just don’t want to let this go? Once and for all, I feel no sense of entitlement other than the common curtesy of proper communication which ALL Naim customer deserve. I believe I have already addressed your concerns repeatedly so forgive me if I no longer respond to the same statements.

I’m currently enjoying a dram of fine single malt and Suzanne Vega.

Happy listening!


I think you need to stop and think before you post sometimes… I feel that quite often your posts are really quite rude and you seem to make a lot of assumptions about people’s intent. It was said in another post, if you have nothing good to say why say anything?


@Mitch I feel your pain through this thread. I’m sure you will find a solution shortly, and it will be worth waiting for. I’ve just had a reply from Naim on a query which took some time, and Easter will have slowed things further. @anon4489532 Some of your comments seem harsh and unwarranted #bekind


It’s a forum and people are free to say what they want, within the rules. Nothing I said was in any way rude and I don’t need advice on what I should or shouldn’t say. I’m not sure why you feel you can judge other’s posts that have nothing to do with you whatsoever. That really is rude.


You may be right. However, these things are best sorted out directly, rather than by airing on a public forum. That’s where the sense of entitlement comes from. I asked two weeks ago! Why hasn’t anyone answered? I have two Naim systems! Gimme, gimme, gimme!!




You are so proud of your person that it’s impossible for you to apologise and recognise your rudeness. So many people observe it here, but you remain deaf.


Hungry halibut I agree with your recent comments regarding gimme gimme gimme. Also, the forum is not the place to vent one’s displeasure when making a wrong purchase. How many times have we read about someone buying Naim gear and perhaps something is missing. Straight away they hit the forum with blah blah blah :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: instead of contacting the dealer

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That is not what Mitch did… He was simply looking for a solution to his problem.
Hifi can be an isolating hobby… we are few and far between.
He was merely coming to a place he thought would offer support, and potentially a solution.

Seriously though, if that is your opinion does it really need to be stated?
Does it help at all to make negative comments? NO.

The reason i hang around on these pages is that it is most often friendly and supportive.


I’m guessing the Anger Management School must been closed recently due to Covid precautions.

Anyway, now on my second dram (20 yr Blair Athol) and sharing my drink with me is the lovely Cassandra Williams.

Continued happy listening!!


Got to be better than being slapped around the head by a wet fish.