Statement disappointment

When I was working some colleagues had bought some barrels of whisky on a Sottish isle. They visited once a year, tasted and mulled the option of bottling, or the ever ongoing process of barrel losses. I think they enjoyed the trip to much…the losses were high imo…but not a whisky lover.

Bet it was I’ve delivered a batch off old brandy barrels once picked them up at Liverpool docks loaded by forklift then upto Scotland when I pulled back the curtains on the trailer the smell was delightful

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Do you mean the angels share that’s what they call the evaporation in the barrels


Been to a few but the ones that stand out for me are Talisker and the Old Pulteney which we stopped off at to pick up all the miniatures we needed for gifts for our wedding guests.


Good gifts…much better than anything I ever got at a wedding!!

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Mitch I was listening to Buddy Guy’s latest opus (“The Blues Is Alive And Well”) earlier this afternoon and there’s a song called “Whisky For Sale”, I’m sure it would sound amazing on your system!


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Chris Stapleton - Whiskey and You is a cracking song. Gets me every time. :grin:

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I have that CD, but haven’t listened to it since I first got it. I remember it’s a great song. I will definitely play it tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion!

Unfortunately, I do not have the Stapleton song. But if it is truly a “cracking” (never heard that expression, but I love it) song, I will rectify that oversight. Thanks.

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Cracking, a corruption of the Irish craic, to have fun and enjoyment

I feel a bit mean sharing this, but it is a great Southern Rock song, and would sound great on your system.

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It is and it does! Thanks for the idea. But don’t take my word for it; come over and hear for yourself!

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What got me into actually liking Whisky in the first place was a trip to The Glenlivet. We did the tour of the distillery and the aromas were strong, pungent and complex… As I remember, they all had this underlying corn, starchy foods, nutritious and goodferyou kind of wholesome smell, like yeasty bread.
Then we came to the tasting room. They gave me a dram with some spring water added and I was amazed to find every aroma I’d smelled in the factory embodied in that whisky. It was a kinda magical moment that’s remained as a very fond memory


That sounds like a wonderful experience. I’m a huge fan of The Glenlivet, especially their 25 year old. It is one of my all time favorites. All of their juice is extremely drinkable. And believe me, I’ve had enough samples to know! LOL


The Headline is a pretty poor headphone stage and is so far behind the Statement for sound quality that I am surprised you would bother with it.
I swapped to a Focal Arche with Utopias recently, and would never go back to the Headline.
However, it still wouldn’t give you simple plug and play for multiple sources, although you can “throughput” digital or analogue line signals.
I am very much a cable swapping sort of gu, so these things don’t bother me.

That all makes a lot of sense. I never really thought about other headphone amps, probably because I very rarely use mine.

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