Statement disappointment

Hope the weather doesn’t freeze where you are Mitch! We’ve just had snow flurries here.

I’m told that snow flurries are not good for brass balls …

Best regards, BF

LOL…Actually, it’s in the 60’s and sunny today here.

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Good to hear you have a found an alternative solution… I can recommend a dram of this to celebrate :grinning::+1:t2:


Looks delicious. I think Tomintoul is one of those very good malts which flies under the radar (at least in this neck of the woods). I’ve not seen the 15 before, but I have a 16 and a 21, both of which are terrific.


@Naim_The_Dragon - I have Deleted my Post.


Very true… I really like the 16, that’s a mighty dram. Must get another !

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Nice, I still have some of the 12YO portwood finish left.

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Hmm…the 15 is also portwood finish. Very unusual to have 2 different port finishes from the same distillery. I usually like those very much, especially The GlenDronach, Glen Moray 25, and the fantastic Balvenie 21.

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Yeah, limited edition one… mine is bottle 22 of 4800 so I think there should be plenty left… unless a place a large order for them this weekend :joy:

Edit… the GlenDronach 18 is one of my favourites… preferred it over the 21 to be honest!

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The whole GlenDronach lineup is excellent, though I like the 21 and the 15 better than the 18, but that’s totally subjective. If you ever have a chance t get hold of one of their age statement, cask strength bottles, I would highly recommend you give it a go.

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@Mitch , silly question I have no doubt but have you visited Scotland to pursue your passion?

Embarrassingly, I have never been to Scotland. It’s weird that I’ve never been to London, Paris or Berlin, but I have been to Nepal, Pakistan, Morocco, Peru, Slovakia and many other places in Europe and the Caribbean. I was supposed to go to London this past summer with a buddy until Covid.

I wouldn’t say scotch is a passion as much as a really fun hobby. My true passion is music.


When the time comes, I wonder if a drop o’ the hard stuff will stop the midges from biting yer?!

Well, if you have 2 or 3 drops, you may not care.


Well if you ever get the chance to go round a distillery it will probably put you off whiskey
The smell off mashing is atrocious nothing like the smell off whiskey more like sour smelly porridge it’s very over powering
I’ve forgotten how many I’ve been too in Scotland and around Britain ether deliveries or visiting
I used to love whiskey until stopping drinking and had some corkers and the wife gradually demolished over the years after I stopped

Ouch…you make it sound awful. I always thought visiting a distillery would be a great experience.

It is fun it’s just the smell off mashing you will ether like it or hate it
The actual storage off the barrels is where you get the hint off whisky smell
Did you know whisky is clear as water and its the barrels its stored in over the years that give it the whisky shade and taste fruitful flavours are stored in old port or whine barrels or even brandy barrels

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I did know these things. I’ve been to many tasting events and have also hosted a few myself. It’s (nearly) all about the wood. (I know…that’s what she said…)


Last distillery I went to was the dean distillery they had just received 40 odd bourbon barrels for a batch that was 4 years ago so I bet in 11 years time there’s a good batch coming out off there
Now that was a good distillery to go around it’s very very old

I had the opportunity to visit the Martell Distilliary in Cognac some years ago. The aroma in the cellars there was glorious… like caramel.

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