Statement disappointment

Want to wait for covid to diminish a bit more, but would love to see and hear your system.
Almost embarrassed to say I like margaritas :smirk:

Please read from the beginning…

Please don’t tell me what to do…

Apparently it’s necessary

ciao mio carino


Please remind me how to block you

Thanks, but I’m good.

A bit sensitive, are we? FR was just trying to help.


Deep breaths people, deep breaths :sunglasses:

I’m very relaxed… just wanted to know

Not sure exactly what it is you’re asking about

He is asking if you can return the Statements to your hypothetical dealer :joy:

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Without doubt this ranks as one of the most bizarre threads I have read on any forum anywhere.


For me it’s very clear, and I am french, speaking french-english and thinking in french.
Mitch bought a Naim Statement from a personal member. He is used to record albums with his master tape recorder. He discovered that the Statement pre doesn’t have a record output. He couldn’t imagine that a top Naim pre lacks this functionality, as all the Naim pre have it.
Logically he is disappointed and wants some help from the forum to find how he would be able to still record as before.
Nothing bizarre.


I read it as a guy, spent what I can only guess is a fortune on a piece of gear designed to replay music to the very best of whats out there, but is gutted because he cannot record from a record player to a tape deck through it.

People recorded from record deck to tape deck, what 40 years ago?

I just feel like I am in the twilight zone is all.


I am sure Mitch will appreciate your kind comments :joy:
Perhaps you don’t know it, but a Master tape machine is considered as the best source available. It’s not a tape recorder.



There was no dealer involved here. FR was suggesting that if you read from the beginning, you would have seen that in the early posts.


Also I think you need to remember you are on a forum where people invest more on their stereo system than most do on a car… everyone has their hobbies. Sometimes not logical to others.
I myself don’t see how Mitch could not have at least googled pictures of the back of the statements to have a look at the inputs/outputs just out of curiosity :joy:. But maybe he doesn’t get much free time to sit around googling stuff and that’s why he can afford a statement.

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Time for an update to the website? :wink:



Good point - BTW “Except the NAC 152XS and NAC S1” sounds kind of funny, doesn’t it? :slight_smile:



Welcome to the Twilight Zone! Just to set the record straight, although I was initially very disappointed and shocked to discover absence of a tape out option on the Statement, several Forum members have enlightened me to the fact that I will still be able to make this possible, not to mention that Naim itself might be considering a solution to the problem. Bottom line is, I am disappointed, a far cry from gutted. And even though I did read the entire manual prior to purchase, it never occurred to me to focus on the inclusion of the tape out option. Should I have noticed that anyway? Hard to argue against that, but it just didn’t click. I am not looking for any sympathy (nor enmity), just possible solutions. So again, to all those who have offered their constructive insights and suggestions (and empathy) I graciously thank you, once again! There is quite a bit of class in this place.

At the end of the day, I am thrilled to own what is, undoubtedly, one of the finest pieces of audio gear on the planet. Believe me when I state that I am not, in the least, feeling sorry for myself.

As to the pleasure derived from recording on a reel to reel machine and then experiencing the joy of the playback, I suspect anyone who doesn’t get that has most likely been deprived of the experience. Too bad.