Stax - Electrostatic Headphones and Energisers

Hello Graham55
The majority of previous posts in this thread are devoted to this new end game of summit headphones from Stax - the SR-X9000.


PS - the model number is also displayed on the box in the first photo - along with the name of the manufacturer :wink:

PSS - the amplifier is a Mjolnir Carbon from Iceland - a Kevin Gilmore design. Further info also at the top of the thread

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headphone heaven - awesome :heart_eyes: :ok_hand: :innocent:

Enjoy it!

atb, Tom

Thank you!!

As a aside from my previous comment i wonder when listening to my Focal Clear MGs through a Schiit headphone amp which to my ears sound pretty good how much better are Stax 'phones? not cheap and have to buy the energiser too!

Yes, I see it now. Should have been obvious before.

Dare I ask the cost involved?

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