Still crackling vinyl

Thank you guys, this place is just so helpful. Great record cleaner.

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I have the same cleaning device, but only in the last year. It has yet to fail to make a record sound better and quieter. As has been spoken above it can’t remove damage across or in the grooves but it does clean. As well as using the project cleaner I also use a brush on each play and occasional brushing, dry on a soft mat.

The best way to have good sounding records like many things is prevention. Storage and handling regimes are very important to keep dust out and static down. Many of the discs I bought 40 or so years ago are still near mint because I have looked after them.

Second-hand records picked from the wild of course are more of a lottery and this is where I have found the Project Cleaner to really help get a record to play at its best.

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What do you do with the goat hair brush when its very wet? just let it dry naturally?

I shake off any excess and then air dry. It’s worth rinsing through with distilled water every now and then too.

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Sounds like good advice, think I’ll do exactly that Richard!

I just let it dry naturally. When I use the Project Cleaner as well as cleaning with the chemicals I also do a rinse cycle or two of just distilled water so there are no chemical deposits remaining on the record when it’s dried. So the brush should just be water also when I am done.

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