Streamer not responding

My Uniti Atom is not responding.
I have tryed restart several times.
And have deleted and downloaded the app again.
No responsw.
Any tips?
John, Denmark

Or others whe discover the same problem?

Restart any routers and or modems you have.

Hard reset your Atom by holding play/pause button whilst powering up.

Also to restart the Atom fully, you have to take the power off and then connect the power again. You can’t just do it with the front panel button.

Have you restarted your router first ? Then waited until internet is back ?

Yes I have tried to restart all.
And restartet router, and then restart Uniti, disconnecting the loudspeakers several times.
No respond, and the power butten is blinking 4 times, short pause and 4 times again.

So try a factory reset. The last possibility.

I have tryed that several times. Sorry but no luck.
I will contact my retailer on tuesday. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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