Streamer under £400

A streamer with line out, Tidal support and will play music files from an attached USB device. Does such a thing exist for under £400?

the USB slot is the limiter. a Wiim Pro is sub-200 and has an analogue as well as a digital input depending on whether you want to use the onboard DAC or not (but using a USB device implies you’re using the DAC in the streamer?)

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Second hand Bluesound Node? I see new ones on temporary discount to £400 in the UK too. I’m not quite sure of its USB facilities though

i’ve done some extensive A/B testing on the Powernode and Sonos Amp and the Powernode is the winner by a clear margin - was very impressed with the whole package. but it doesn’t have a USB slot like all the others

probably a good step up from the Wiim, but 2x the price

I would stretch the budget slightly and get the Cambridge Audio MXN10 for £449


Nad cs1 £299 but doesn’t support usb.
The Cambridge one mentioned does support usb.

The Bluesound Node have all of this + an excellent software.

Thanks for the replies everybody, I thought something new meeting the requirements would be a tough ask. I think a used Bluesound Node is probably the best option to meet those requirements

Cambridge Audio are selling refurb MXN10’s directly on fleabay for less than your budget.

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