Streaming so the quality is on par with local storage

Convenient for you :+1:

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My local server is also my streamer so local files are not as affected by the switch etc

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I had at one time thought about connecting my Core to my NDX2 by DC1 cable but I saw much on here saying why/wifi is better. Clearly I’m no expert but why is Wi-Fi Core different from streaming? Naively, it seems, I would have expected hard wired Core to beat Streamed Core. I guess my modest system/ageing ears are the problem.

It’s not. Wifi uses TCP/IP just as ethernet does. It’s streaming.


Which brings me back, I think, to I can’t tell the difference between CD quality streaming and a CD rip (thankfully).


I tried qobuz on my nd555 hated the app, found it hard to work with. did not find all the fantastic sounding albuyms everybody elseseems to asume is there , but do you really know? did we ever get even an atemt on a list of 24 bit killers of tidal 16 bit?


Same here.


Good for you :+1:

Doesn’t that just signify that your current streamer and cd player are of equal quality in playback. Presumably there are either streamers and/or cd players that can sound better ( or worse) ?

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It is for the legacy streamers, less so for the OC streamers, and I don’t think I can discern a difference with my NC streamer.

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what do you mean you are comparing 320 with 14XX streams. These of course cannot be compared they are different.

Wouldn’t argue with that. My point, such as it is, is that I can’t tell the difference & thought I’d mention it as there was a line being taken that lots of effort (on ancillaries) was required to achieve parity. That feels as though it might be off putting which would be a shame I think & I, in my relatively modest system, haven’t had to do that (for which I’m eternally grateful). I don’t have a CD player these days by the way, only a Uniti Core.


I prefer Qobuz streaming to local CD rip library, because my local library only contains 44.1 khz/16 bit albums.

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Well people that have checked,have found this …
“ AND YEAH QOBUZ 24BIT ARE FAKE i’ve not seen yet one true 24bit if i could put a image file here i’ll show you”


Any more good conspiracies ? :rofl:

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Believe everything and be happy :joy:

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There’s so many things that could affect this. Also not much in the latest posts that is new. Leads me to wonder.

It’s not difficult especially for a person who puts his music files on a memory stick.

It was not me who said it…just something I found.