Streaming to Nac 72

Where are you finding a Chord DIN to mini jack? I know commercial links aren’t allowed but you could hint :wink: on the Chord website they terminate in RCA, thanks

Probably a custom order, I’d email Chord sales. I see a listing for a Clearway DIN to mini-jack IC on eBay now.

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I got one from True Signals Audio. I think it was custom made. Chord seems to make them too from time to time, but it does seem like it’s not a product that is regularly produced.

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A cheaper option would be to use designacable based in Nottingham. They have a range of Naim specific cables on their site. I’ve got a 3.5mm-DIN cable I used with a Chromecast.

Don’t forget; no commercial links are allowed.

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Thank you

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Thank you, I will look them up.

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If you want the real thing, Naim used to make exactly such a cable. They possibly still do, but I think it would be a special order via a Naim dealer, or possibly a used one from a dealer or ebay. It’s a good cable, and was quite popular back in the day when iPods were all the rage.

I had one of those, back in the day. I spent quite a while looking for a photo yesterday, and it’s good to see it wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

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