Stuck a Linear Power Supply on My Switch - Blimey! 😱

I also did a little recreational RFI mitigation (as one does) on my GS108E switch nearest to the NDX2 and Nucleus:

PS, if you think all switches sound the same, you really should not explore this avenue at all. Might have a coronary.

Can you explain ? It’s the metal black thing in the middle ?

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It’s a heat sink covering the switch set microchip.


'this true that it may well be coincidence. It is definitely sounding better but it could be, being Easter, that the power supply to the house is better. Be interesting to hear when everybody is back at work.

What is it that you’ve stuck to the motherboard and case?

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Are you trying to keep it out, or stop it from escaping :woozy_face:

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I’ll give it a go today :+1:

I think my wife is doing to divorce me if I spend too much more time changing the cables around though…


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Legal disclaimer: I’m not married.

Some years ago my girlfriend told me she thought I loved my Naim system more than I loved her. Can’t recall my exact response, but we’re still together – and I still have my Naim system – so I assume my answer was calibrated about right.


So many potential innuendos…

It’s 3M AB series RFI absorber with a non-conductive pressure adhesive.

It’s designed to be placed on-chip and on board circuit traces. Any chip with a meaningful amount of processing power radiates RFI into free-air and also via the attached circuit traces, which act as RFI aerials that both transmit and receive.

I have a friend who retired from the space division at Raytheon who tipped me off on this stuff.

"Recommended applications:

** Reduce radiating EMI noise by being attached on top of electronic components (e.g. a semiconductor chip)
** Reduce reflected EMI noise by being attached inside a shield can and/or compartment
** Reduce EMI noise by being wrapped or attached on a cable
** Diminish emitting EMI noise being induced by high frequency current on a metal surface"

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Literally both.

I’d get this thread closed. We are living in a madhouse. Glad it all worked out Nigel. Enjoy!:+1:

We use Kapton foil or Kapton tape for RFI and EMI protection, it is not an absorber, it has to be grounded to work properly.

It works very, very well in many industrial applications.

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Kapton is very effective at that. Also, for thermal rejection.

For RFI (as it seems like you already know), it basically shunts the RFI to ground, in very simplistic electrical terms. With a good ground scheme, it is very effective.

The issue I have addressed here is mitigating the RFI created by the CPU (without compromising it thermally by removing the Netgear-installed heatsink).

The BLUF: it gave the same improvement as upgrading to the iFi power supply. But, in an additive manner. Which is rare.

Using scraps from a prior project, it was a “free” mod. It was well worth my time.

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This thread has inspired me to add a Forester F1 to my system.

Thank you All.


The thread has inspired me to have a glass of wine and thank my lucky stars I am not this mad.


Someone has to push the boundaries though!

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It’s odd that Naim do not suggest or recommend anything related to network switches and cables. I know that Linn do have a FAQ page.


You only have to go to the shows and listen to what manufacturers demonstrate to understand that employees often don’t know how to get the best sound from their kit. Shows are horrid places to try to get good sound and benefit hugely from noise mitigation measures. Thousands of SMPSs, mobile phones, processors, poor quality contaminated mains etc. If manufacturers were savvy you’d see all sorts of measures to reduce the effects of the RFI soup, noisy mains etc. but generally you don’t.


Then why you buy from them? If I am not mistaken, I guess that you implicitly imply that Linn/Naim are ones of them?