Stuck a Linear Power Supply on My Switch - Blimey! šŸ˜±

Just checked their rating on Trust Pilot. Scores at 91% / 4.6.


Just checked and yes - the retailer I saw selling for Ā£395 does have that rating, so probably the same one. If you scroll down through the comments however you will find several worrying and very negative reviews. My suspicions were raised on several counts so I did a little digging around on-line at Companies House etc. and what I came up with gave me serious cause for concern. This in combination with the negative reviews and my 'phone calls to them caused me to decline to purchase from them, despite the bargain price.

Anyway it seems some people have been OK so hopefully youā€™ll be one of the lucky ones. Just wanted to let you know so that you were aware.

Do report back and let me know how you get on with the Ground Aray. Give it time to settle. Mine sounded great when first plugged in but then went through a few ups and downs whilst burning in. Now, after a few weeks, sounding superb.

Got it using PayPal, so any issues, Iā€™m protected.



Excellent. Good for you.

So far so good, just had an email from Royal Mail stating that they have received a parcel from the dealer for delivery tomorrow.



Itā€™s kind of funny, Simon, and maybe I a little weird, but I donā€™t actually require a listening verification of tweaks that I do. I find that after doing 3 or 4 tweaks, Iā€™ll notice a difference and am completely happy with that.
As an example, once I move house I will fine tune some points in my system. One lf those will be an EtherRegen switch and after hearing Nigelā€™s report, I will automatically swap out the SMPS for the one the Nigel got, or a Teddy. Things like maximising the signal is important, and I wouldnā€™t be doing the tweak if I couldnā€™t afford it, so A/B listening and then returning it because I donā€™t notice a big difference in a month is out of the question. I just do them and know that all the key points of my system are maximised.
Having said that, when I replaced the standard cable between my NDS and SN2 with a Hi-line, the difference was very noticeable and my wife immediately said, ā€œKeep it!!ā€.

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I spent a day with 4 friends listening to cable vs wi-Fi a separate bridge different MacBooks and 4 Netgear 108 switches with 4 linear power supplies in and out. Very surprising differences even joining Ethernet cables together with different patch chords made a differenceā€¦

I can say that adding 4 switches in the chain with linear power supplies was dramatic in the effect and difference. Easily as much as an ordinary to very good DAC


Ah excellent the 'ol wife qualification, always very powerful in audiophile circles.


In the context of digital network tweaks, isnā€™t the phrase ā€˜patch cordā€™ usually used to describe a cheap or ā€˜freeā€™ ethernet cable?

Good news. Looks like allā€™s well then. Seems I should have snapped up that bargain after all! I look forward to reading your impressions.

Women are usually more emotionally controlled than us men, and hear immediately if something is better or worse :wink:.

This comment adds nothing to the discussion in hand and is just distracting and disruptive. If you have something useful to contribute, such as your own personal experiences with LPSā€™s on network components, either positive or negative, then letā€™s here from you in a reasoned and constructive way.

Reasoned argument, however much it disagrees with the general thrust of opinion on the thread, is always very welcome and potentially really useful in providing perspective. Heckling is just pointless.


Yes, trying cat 6,7,8 and a few seemingly audio ones did show further differences the later cat 7,8 being the best value, I have an old very good one which was bettered by the 7 and 8 spec cables

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No, a patch chord or lead is the term usually used for Ethernet connection of devices that are not infrastructure or could be easily changed/unplugged etc
Our hifi usually uses patch chords. Whether they are fibre, twisted pair, cost 50p or Ā£500 they are patch chords or patch leads.
An Ethernet patch lead is akin to an IEC mains lead.

The Ethernet cabling built into your house terminating into room patch sockets or panels in the wall would not be patch cables, they are usually referred as structured wiring, and can have different cabling requirements

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A bit of the topic. I have node ( coax to ndac/ps ) the ps of node was broken. I replaced it with interface ( pd creative 80 e ) and builded linear ps from a.m.b pcb and constructions. Now the sound is great and i listen much more music.
Regards Hannu

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The Ground Aray was delivered by Royal Mail this morning as advised.

I must admit that the purchase experience from this dealer has been excellent.

Good price, paid by PayPal. Plenty of emails confirming order and status. Email confirming Tracking details. Email from Royal Mail last night confirming that they had received the package. Email from Royal Mail this morning confirming delivery time slot. Royal Mail delivered within time slot. Email from Royal Mail confirming delivery

Now to plug it in and see what happens.


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Glad that things worked out so well DG.

Yes give it a whirl and do get back with your thoughts!

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We use an iFi PowerX on our final switch (Netgear GS105D running in low power mode).
We tried:
The original SMPS
iFi Power 2
iFi Power X
and the Power X won hands down:


Interesting. But Iā€™m a bit confused. You state:

Also have you ever tried the iFi Elite?

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Look at the results for the GS105E, further down in that post.

With the standard GS105 switch, the improvement was marginal; however, with the GS105E L2 managed switch the difference was much greater.

No, Iā€™ve not tried a iFi Power Elite.