Stuck a Linear Power Supply on My Switch - Blimey! šŸ˜±

Thatā€™s why I canā€™t be bothered to answer him. Btw, I made my comment with a good intention, no sarcasm, or nothing else.

Copied over for @Wilfried:

A second hand Supra LoRad 3x2.5mm Copper Power Cable with Furutech Plugs. Iā€™m using it on my Farad 3 LPS for my EE8/ND555 set up. The Naim boxes are on a Powerline full loom, including the Core. I might look at a similar lead for the Heed Obselik PS that feeds the Canalot headphone amp and Quasar phono stage, when something nice comes up at a good price.

Initial impressions are that a quality power cable added to the Farad 3 does, indeed, add more of what the Farad 3 already did - more drive/punch and dynamics.


Thank you very much, Mike, for your impressions and experiences. As already mentioned above(Click here), I did not notice any great improvement during a brief test of a VOVOX excelsus power chord on the Silent Angel Forrester F1 power supply. The results on the switch (Cisco 3560) and directly on components (ND5XS2, NDAC, Nait50) were much better and immediately audible. Based on your experience, I will try this again on the Forrester F1.
I have been replacing the cheap SMPS supplied with the router (Swisscom Box 4, manufacturer: Arcadyan) in the garage with an IFI iPower Elite 12V LPS for some time now, which has also brought more silence to the sound. For the connection between the IFI iPower and the power strip, I am currently using the standard power cable that came with the iPower. It would probably also be worth trying a better power cable here. Iā€™m not a technician and am just trying things out. Perhaps a good approach would be to look at the power supply to the network as a whole.

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I did briefly entertain the thought of adding a LPS to my router (upstream of my EE8), there was a long thread about that, but havenā€™t gone there.

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I added a LPS to my ASUS router but went back to SMPS. Never found it sounding better. Maybe mismatch of some sort. As I understand it LPS drops faster in voltage when more current is requested than SMPS. And some devices might be more sensitive to voltage drop than others and some LPS manages load better than other so.

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Yup. I also found a LPS not much cop on my router. An iFi Elite however brought an improvement over the stock SMPS that came with my TP-Link AC2100 router.


Itā€™s not a LPS but the cables are working well with Elite though as usual itā€™s a matter of taste and match - I found that somewhat warmer cables are better with Elite.


I have a Supra Lo Rad extension block and cable feeding my EE8 and Roon Nucleus to keep them separate from my Naim system. Iā€™ve been very impressed and happy with it so far. Great quality at a reasonable price.


Exactly right, which is why the quality of the LPS is so important. And in my experience, the better the power supply gets, the better the sound qualityā€¦and Iā€™m not talking small incrementsā€¦.the better the sound quality becomes, the bigger and more profound the improvements become. Again in my experience the quality of the network power supplies define sound quality to a large degree, at least as much as the actual hi-fi electronicsā€¦.
For example, if I started with ā€˜goodā€™ hi-fi electronics and ā€˜Standard OEMā€ network power supplies and I could only upgrade one or the other, the Network would give me a far bigger improvement for the same outlayā€¦.again in my experience.


This has been my experience too.

Due to a LPS sounding initially fantastic on my BT HH2, and later deteriorating badly (tried on two separate occaisions) I have now implemented a different approach.

I believe it all has to do with minimsisng network noise. To this end my BT HH2, fibre termination box, EE8 switch and 'phone (digital - connected to the BT HH2) are all plugged into a Chord S6 block. Further I have two Chord Ground Aray Ethernet devices, one on the BT HH2 and one on the EE8. Also a Chord EE1 between EE8 and Melco. This has bought about a similar - in fact I would say better, effect that the LPS initially had - before it deteriorated.

Next will be a Power Aray plugged into the S6. When funds allow - but other domestic matters to finance for now!



Glad that the Chord Ground Arays are working for you.

Tried them but found no significant improvement at the time, but that was on my old set-up.

May have to try them again on the new system.

Must admit that I like Chord products and use;

  • EE8 network switch
  • EE1 network noise isolator
  • Clearway streaming cable
  • Epic streaming cable
  • Signature X mains cable



What did you plug them into?

The strange thing with them, I found, is that they address issues that I didnā€™t even realise were there until I plugged them in! I was kind of half-hoping that I wouldnā€™t hear any real change and therefore could save over Ā£1K! But for me the improvement was obvious and musically fundamental. Itā€™s very difficult to convey this on paper so I wonā€™t bother trying.

It could of course be system and listener dependent. If you donā€™t hear any difference then I would say youā€™re lucky! I wish I couldnā€™t because the money could be more sensibly spent on other domestic matters. But you canā€™t ā€˜un-hearā€™ something - and such is the musical improvement that I really wouldnā€™t want to be without them.

My advice to anyone is - donā€™t try them unless you can afford them!

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PS. I should say that my experience relates to the ethernet RJ45 Ground Arays. I have no idea what effect they would have plugged in elsewhere. Although my equally positive experience with a Power Aray plugged into a Chord M6 block leads me to think that thereā€™s no reason why other Ground Arays wouldnā€™t be beneficial.

Also I feel Iā€™m starting to sound like an Ambassador for Chord Co. products! I can only talk about what I use personally, but there are other options out there that may well be superior, but also significantly more costly. Network Acoustics make some very interesting stuffā€¦

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I tried one in the EE8 switch and one in the back of the NAC 282.

May try them again in the present system, as I do like Chord products.



I would definitely try one in your router as itā€™s probably the noisiest thing on the network. Your profile mentions a Linn Select streamer snd again I would try one here, but I suppose the one you have for the 282 is a DIN connection so probably no good for that. From what Iā€™ve read they have the most beneficial effectas when plugged into network components. Good luck!

Unfortunately, the router is fibre in with only one RJ45 socket out to the Mesh Node, which has only two RJ45 sockets, one in and one out.

The out one goes to the first switch (Netgear GS105) which then goes to the EE8, so could consider putting one in the first switch.


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That makes sense - probably noisier than the EE8. Or you could try a an RJ45 male - 2 female splitter in the router which would allow you plug it in there.

No can do, the Mesh Nodes are bottom fed

But might try one in the first switch.


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Had a search on Google and found one on sale at Ā£395.00, with 14 days free return, so ordered.

Will try it on the first switch when received and report back.


I hate to mention this but I saw one on-line at the same price. Just one. I was very tempted until I read the reviews of the retailer on Trust Pilot. There were some horror stories there. I donā€™t think Iā€™m allowed to mention the retailerā€™s name but please check out the reviews of the retailer you purchased from.

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