SU to NAP 250 cable


I want to upgrade my SU with NAP 250. A am happy with SU sound, but my speakers (Sonus Faber Concerto Home, edition 2000) just require more power and mainly more transient.
I have no idea which cable is attached to NAP 250 (if any) and what is needed for SU-NAP 250 quality connection.

Can anybody advice, please ?


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I’m assuming you’re talking about the previous generation NAP 250 rather than the New Classic 250 that’s just been introduced ?

If so then you’ll find the 250 is supplied with a DIN4 to XLR cable. Use that to connect the 250 to the SU preamp out socket.

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As James says, Naim provide a suitable cable in the box with a 250. If buying used, always check that the seller has remembered to include it or you will need to buy one.

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We had a SU with a 250DR into Sonus Faber Sonetto III.

You’ll find the 250DR has WAY more control over your speakers, should be a big step up, especially on bass performance.

Unfortunately you’ll also find your SU as a streamer/pre is out of its depth with a 250DR. Prepare to open wallet :laughing:

Still have our SU in office, love it :heart: Best £1200 (freshly serviced with new screen, from dealer) we ever spent, started us on our naim journey.

Many thanks to all for the answers .)) I want to buy NAP 250 DR, I did not detect newer model on Naim web. I am happy with SU sound (with a help of TQ Ultra Black speaker cables). My SF Concertos were disigned for Mark Levinson amps, min. 2x100 W + massive transient. And they can be paired succesfully only with Naim amps, except of really really expensive amps (as I detected by auditioning of number of amps in HIFI studios). SU can drive Concertos in really great way for “chamber” music. SU is not capable enought for more difficult music. So, if sound quality with NAP 250 will stay the same, and Concertos will be driven well for more difficult music, I will be happy .)) If not, I must consider to start money saving for additional upgrade .((

250DR will drive those speakers with ease.

There are excellent deals to be had on 300DR at the moment. That is another level again in terms of amplification.

The step up from SU internal amp to 250DR will deliver most of what you want - better instrumental separation and control during complex passages of music.

I would like NAP 300 second hand more than NAP 250, but NAP 300 has two inputs while SU has one output, so some less expensive preamp with two outputs would be needed as following expenditure. Even simple no Naim one. I will try to search. I do not need streamer/DAC, I use analoque sourcies - TV via headphoes jack and laptop via AQ Dragonfly. Someone can say that it is crazy. May be it is, but not with SF Concertos. Concertos are capable of really great sound with compressed material.
I like my SU, but… tuners and Tidal streaming are week, really week, DAC is beaten by AQ dragonfly.
This is bit a shame, but power amp is able to drive Concertos well, which is very rare. SU power amp is almost NAP 200 (without transient, ofcourse .)) About SU preamp I have no idea. This will be surprise after power amp connection .))

It’s simple to use a cable with 1 end for the su and 2 ends for the 300. You wouldnt need to replace the su.

4 pin din on the su end, a pair of 3 pin xlr on the other end.

Should be the standard 4 pin din configuration same as eg hicap

I detected second hand NAP 300 for 2,5 k BP, but, manufactured in 2006, upgraded with DR in 2016, so I am afraid that lifespan is almost over. Can anybody advice about NAP 300 lifespan, please ?

Hi Robert, it is a great new .)) would You advice the suitable cable, please ?

Decades. People are still using early olive era nap 180, 135, 200, 250 …… same as people are driving 1966 beetles etc.
A 2016 300 dr is a youngster, shouldn’t need a service until 2028-2031 assuming you stick with the “service a classic component every 12 to 15 years” recommendation.

With servicing and proper care, Naim amps should last 30 years or more. My Nac 52/SC sounds great.

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