Sunrise & Sunsets - Show us yours

Thought it might have been the AMP building across the street.

How long you here for?

Less than a week unfortunately - two nights in Sydney, one night in Melbourne (on route now) and two nights in Perth. Rather stupid schedule - forgotten how large Australia is! :grinning:

Holidays or business, that’s a lot of time in the air.

Enjoy your stay. :+1:

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Business unfortunately - but always great to visit Oz.

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My son took this photo a few days ago out his bedroom window. It’s SpaceX rocket over Pacific Ocean in San Diego at sunset.



Trouble is years a go a picture was proof today we have no idea of what’s real and what’s not.

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Are you trying to say my son’s pic a fake? I saw same thing with my own eyes on our balcony. Take a look at any online pics. This is what the SpaceX launch looks like. This is first time I actually seen the rocket. In past have only seen the trail light up like that against a dark sky.

Here is one example:

And similar view with my cat :smile:


It does look a little like an AI generated image but it’s hard to tell these days and there lies the problem. Thanks for the link.

It’s a spectacular photo and he should be proud of it however.

The funny thing is I was thinking posting here was a safe space since Reddit sunsets ended up just being filled with fakes. Anyway, trust me, it’s just an iPhone shot unedited.


Yes, I can see how it looks fake. But man it’s pretty amazing to see in real life. When we saw it, we ran out to the balcony to watch. We tried to get my son to join us but didn’t realize he was taking pics from his room. My wife had trouble figuring out why it was so bright. But it’s just past sunset and the rocket is out over the ocean so the sun is still shining on it even though it’s twilight.

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I have trouble trying to catch an image of some beautiful finches in our local park with my iPhone. :rofl:

My wife has a nice high end Canon camera and she asked if she should take some pics and told I don’t think you can capture what we’re seeing with our eyes. So she never got it. I then kind of regretted not taking any pics. Didn’t realize until next day my son got an amazing shot.

Also, it was in the sky for at least 10 minutes, so it’s not like if you blink, you’d miss it. I just thought it wouldn’t turn out that great.

I’ve got a reasonable digital camera but I can’t remember the last time I used it, the damn iPhones make it too easy plus you can edit them.

Here’s a pic taken just now from balcony. 8:15pm

And a better one taken when first moved into our new unit on 17th floor a couple months ago.


I told my son, who’s only 12, you thought it was AI generated. His only comment was, it’s funny now when someone thinks a picture is fake, they say it’s AI. It used to be they’d say it’s photoshopped. And I said if you go back further, they’d say it was airbrushed. So fake pictures are nothing new, just less effort to make. With that said, there was nothing fake about that pic.

I probably posted this before but here’s another real one from Maine,


Sunset right now


That’s a right ripper of a photo.



Sunset over Bold street