Supercap DR Issue

it sounds like the music was recorded at too high a level. The sound is distorted in the upper frequencies. I connected the additional audio output on the SCDR to the 250 power amplifier, but the problem remains the same. I also tried every input on the 252, but the problem remains. Could this mean that a recap of the Supercap DR is necessary?

If you could outline what kit you have and how it is connected we will be able to assist more comprehensivly

Thanks for your help in advance.
My setup is NDX2-XPSDR-252-SCDR-250DR-ProAc D30
Cable are the original Naim Burndy, and Chord Epic X for Interconect and for Snaic4 with the original Naim Din4 to XLR
LS cable are Chord Epic XL 3.5 m.
Power cord are isotek premium

The audio outputs on the SCdr are just bridged from the 252 with the SCdr providing a ground. There isn’t much that can go wrong to be honest. Recapping the Scdr isn’t going to really affect those outputs. It’s more likely the issue is on the 252… or the speakers.

Thanks. I don’t think the problem comes from speakers. Because when i change to SN3/HCDR, there is absolutely nothing disturbing when i use the SN3 as preamp.
What can i do now? Do i need to send the 252 to Naim Service Center in switzerland? Would be a service for the preamp makes a sin and are the coasts manageable? I guess its better to look for new preamp.

I would slow down and contact your local dealer in Switzerland. Explain the problem. Get a second opinion, (though I am sure they will agree the SC is unlikely to be the problem) and get them to give you a service cost quotation. The service costs are dependent on region, but for a 252, it is almost certainly going to more economical than finding a new preamp.

Of course if both the 252 and SC have never been recapped and serviced in the past 15 years, they are bound to strongly recommend getting both done together.

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Why the need for a SNAIC4?

Do you mean a SNAIC5? Is this the proper Naim item?

When was the 250 serviced? When mine was due it caused high frequency issues. It came on quite quickly too.

Can you borrow a different power amp? The only way to tackle this issue is logical exclusion of each part of the chain


Sorry, its a Snaic5. And its not the original cable from Naim. Its a Chord Epic X.

I havent an option to use another 250. But i can use the SN3 as only amp and use the 252 as preamp. I have to look how i can switch the SN3 for this case first.
I will try it. After that, i will let you know the result.
Happy to see, there are others with similar problems.

Try swapping in a proper Naim SNAIC.


Good. When was the 250 service, if ever? If you aren’t sure then you can email Naim service with the s/no.


The 250 still not had any service. The Amp is from 2018. It means still not ten years old.

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I very hope, it will solve the problem. I have proper Naim Snaic5 cable and will try this first.

A fundamental question

Has this fault just happened OR have you made any changes to cables etc which may have resulted in the symptoms you are seeing ?

It was a preowned device from first owner.
But the issue was from beginning to now.
I never used the proper naim snaic. I used it from first day with the chord epic x, them i used with my SN3/HCdr before. And in this combination i didn t have impairments as like i have now with the 252 and SC.

Hi Swissnaim, I had exactly the same problem when I replaced my HiCap with a Supercap in my system (282/250DR). The dealer who I
got the pre-used SC was at a loss and thought the SC must be at fault. Then someone on this forum suggested that I look at the mains wiring on my system, they said if the interconnects where too close to the mains leads that could cause the shrill/distorted treble. I made sure that the leads were separated as possible (just cm in places) and all was well.

In hindsight, I realised that this distortion had been present with HiCap, but at a low enough level not to be significant enough - the additional clarity the SC bought to the rest of the sound meant this distortion was now also much clearer and more significant. Best wishes Amer


Thank you very much! It s gone the fault. Incredible! i better didn t spend 1200 CHF for the snaic Chord Cable. It was a stupid idea to belief the dealer.
Thank you.


Thank you Amer.
I changed the cord epic x to a proper original naim snaic and all distubances were gone. I realy did not think about that because Chord promote their cable as very high shielded against noise from other cables.
Im realy happy to not have to bring the preamp for service. it is enough that I have invested 1200 Chf in unnecessary cables.


Now you can sell your Chord cables and recoup some of that investment.


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