Superline Service Quandary/Disappointment.😮‍💨

Morning ratrat, I must had got that wrong, thought I say mention of it being discontinued, if Naim are still able to make it then components can’t be a problem, as you say it will be interesting to hear the outcome, hopefully they will find a solution that works for everyone.


Given the state of the Naim web site, I’m not sure that carries much weight….


Hahaha :rofl:

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I just checked a NZ dealer, and they have them listed for sale here.

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NDS and Superline were to good that’s the problem. I find it hard to believe that Steve Sells forgot his babies will need service in the future. And that they found this out 12-16 years later.


I think Robinho fairly sums it up, but if you want details then it’s probably best for someone like @NeilS to try to explain the difference here.

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A number of dealers have them on their shelf to sell- I 'phoned around a few. All at £2999. None, when i called knew they were a discontinued product.

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Saw this and thought of you…
Take a look at “Offers” - page 2 - online, with a certain LP12 specialist, based near LEICS.

Happy listening on a Sunday.


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I think the difference between service and repair is.
Service all the cap’s will get replaced
Repair only the faults get done.
So this means less chance damaging the board i guess


A service is designed to prevent future failure and restore to design. Where as fixing a fault, is just that. The naim logo on my sl is bleeding. Would get replaced at service. But ( for me) is not a fault i would return it for. As functionally the bleeding logo does not affect the function of the sl.


I was talking about what naim are now offering on the superline not what a service is, etc

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Yes, as said - service = preventative maintenance, repair = required maintenance to a broken unit.

It’s worth noting that the elecrolytic caps in the SL are operating well below their voltage & temperature ratings. There are more sonic benefits to be had by servicing the associated power supply - they’re the caps doing the heavy lifting.



This explains why my new Superline sounded about the same as my 15 year old Superline.


Would this logic equally apply to olive/cb nacs ? Or indeed any nac ?

Maybe the naim advice of 12 to 15 years for oc was too conservative?

So what is their advice now ? Only send to Salisbury if it broken? Preventative/servicing is no longer recommended?

You are jumping to conclusions I think that is unwarranted. The Naim withdraw of servicing is only for the Superline and they will still repair it.

They have not announced any change to recommendations for the NAC, NAP and power supplies periodic servicing.


I have no dog in this fight, but from my own working experience in (as I have alluded to) a very, very high tech environment - probably some of the “highest” on the planet… and off it - I can envisage that there would be concerns about the risk of writing off the whole board during wholesale replacement of components as part of a service. Whereas a repair could involve, say, half a dozen components. The risk is still there, but there are less opportunities to “royally screw things up”.

I forget what the rules were, but we had a limit on the number of “reworks” allowed on a board before it was scrapped (at company expense, I might add :slight_smile: ). (A rework being defined as taking a soldering iron to any component subsequent to its initial installation.)

Edit: I’ve just had a look at a pic of the inside of a SL. There’s a lotta caps on that board. If we had had to replace that many components** on a single board, it would have gone straight to the recycle bin.
**OK so we didn’t use “wet” electrolytics, the buqqers tend to explode when you pull a vacuum :laughing:


Well, the no service was also issued for the NDS streamer and the CD555. Three top of the line products, altough two are discontinued. The status of the Superline as a current unit seems unclear, if information from one dealer is correct.

I guess those who are dissapointed and worried look at this as sufficently bad signs, part from us owning one of the units involved.

I don’t think Naim have departed in general from their ethos of service and repair, but some sort of alternative to no service should be possible. And it would strengthen the brand reputation for commitment for customers caught up in this situation, rather than the opposit, as of now.


Agree with that amount of caps on the pcb, naim’s service should have always been, a straight forward populated pcb replacement. And priced accordingly.

Purely out of self-interest, as long as a repair option for the CD555 exists I’m happy. This does require that Naim remains a thriving business…

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