Superline upgrade

What is your thoughts on Superline with Supercap vs 552PS?


The unit comes with an assortment of resistance and capacitance plugs that you can use as needed for your cartridge loading. I have avoided the capacitance plugs myself, but I would think they would easily solve your radio interference issue if a solid ground did not. The Superline really is the way to go with a 500 system.

I started with an older updated Rega Planar 3 RB300/Exact and found the Rega Fono more appealing into a 112/150/FC2X than the Stageline. Fono into 552DR was still fine. Loved this combo.
Replaced Fono with Aria — seemed to me a lateral move with MC possibilities. Next stop: pre-loved RP10/Aphelion into Aria was great upgrade vs excellent Planar3.
Finally, Superline powered off 552DR was an obvious improvement. I cannot tell, at this point, if I think HCDR or Supercap non-DR earns its keep - maybe, if only for removing possible impacts on other sources.


I wish I could tell how RP10 with SuperLine + SuperCapDR into 552 sounds. For now it is only connected to 282.
But swapping from Aria into SuperLine was already a significant step up. Adding a SuperCapDR lifted the game up again.

Now I just have to find that 552 somewhere…:sunglasses:

J, I’ve only heard them in isolation, not a direct comparison, and with different deck and cartridge.


-It is strange that when I changed from my 552 powering the Superline to a Supercap, initially, for convenience, I placed the SC on the shelf immediately above the Superline and Snaxo. I left it like this for some time, believing that I would have a further upgrade to come.

Eventually when I positioned the SC on the adjacent stand (the brains side), I could detect absolutely no improvement to sound quality. The shelf spacing is just 100mm. The only reason I can think as to why this is the case, is that my shelves are granite.

Can a Superline be configured to work with a DV 10X5? Or is that too high an output ?

Kevin, I think it’s going to be too high an output for the Superline.

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Thanks Richard. Thought so… Expensive addiction this Vinyl game😐

The phonostage amp has to deal with the most delicate signal and is the first stage of the amplification chain, anything lost here is lost forever
This is why the phonostage is arguably the most important part of the amplification

I owned a Superline for many years and coupled with a Supercap DR and the special Z foil plugs it’s a truly capable machine

However, in the context of a first rate TT and Naim 500 series amps I felt the Superline was now the weak link
I had hoped Naim would produce a higher level phonostage but inevitably their focus seems to be more towards digital these days
This forced me down a different path to find a phonostage that is more balanced with the TT, amps and future amplification


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i see you have the tom evans mastergroove. It must be something special. I had before the microgroove and found it very good for the price, better than a stageline/ hicap.

Supercap allows me to power down the Superline between listening sessions, which is good for me. I am lucky to play vinyl weekly; monthly is more usual. But beautiful when I do!


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