Superlong repair times Supernait 2 in Germany?

Thanks, Richard. Much appreciated.

Thanks Michael, good to hear from you.

2 to 4 months would be indeed a very long time. Are they walking to Slovakia? Just kidding…

I will give them a call this week. Let’s see what they say, I will keep you updated.

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As an alternative you could send the amp to LASA in Italy in the hopefully unlikely event that it happens again. Naim approved and much quicker.

Bad sign that this happens.

For comparison my nd555 took 6 weeks for repair of broken relay.
I’m in the US and the Naim Focal distributor is in Montreal Canada.
Even 6 weeks seemed like forever.
My streamer is my only source, however a friend lent me a NDS….which made it tolerable

Hi all, after I called Focal Naim Germany, situation turned out as follows. It if wouldn‘t be for my Supernait, story would be rather funny: I dropped the Supernait at my dealer in Karlsruhe, Germany, for repair. I mailed and called them on a regular basis when it would be finished and they said to me it is still with Naim. Now today, after calls with the distributor, it turned out my amp is still at the dealer‘s site and they found out today. Unbelievable! Now they promised me they wil send it in for repair soon. Apologies for blaming the Naim Distributor. And I need to monitor what my dealer ist doing very closely… Anyway, I am looking forward now, at least they found where my amp was :slight_smile:


Ouch, I would not want to be your dealer :slight_smile:

Is it possible for your dealer to do what UK dealers seem to be able to, obtain the RMA number and only send the item in for repair once they repair slot in the schedule becomes available?

e.g. as this post suggests

Glad you have made progress anyway, hope your SN2 is back operational soon


Hi, I‘m not sure. My SN2 is anyway now on its travel (hopefully). I will check with my dealer how they are living the process with the RMA. But it absolutely makes sense, so the items to repair are only on their way when repair slot is available.

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Dealers are often super incompetent in my experience. The last item I took to a dealer to go back to Naim for a service was away for a month or a bit more and then I heard it had been sent back to my dealer a week earlier.

So I rang my dealer and after an hour they rang back to say they had found in their goods in/out store with a post it note stuck on it, on which was written “Mr Hendon?”

But no one had done anything after that!

On another occasion and a different dealer, I was sent tracking information and excitedly followed my package as it came south and then watched it turn north again and ultimately back to the dealer. I rang them to ask what had happened and they admitted that my label had been stuck on the box but on the other side of the box was an old label addressed to them. The courier had been looking at the wrong label.


If your dealer has not offered you a loan amp already (& I would hope that they have), I would insist that they do as apology for their incompetence & to make certain that you have some music over the Christmas holidays.

I hope everything gets sorted for you as soon as possible.


Hi Michael - I’m another DE-based Naim owner (Dus)

Glad to hear you finally got to the source of the problem. I can confirm that some service is going to Slovakia (and Poland as well) but the service times were reasonable. My UQ1 went in for a screen replacement and service in early Aug and was back the beginning of Sept. Think the delay was the screen.

Hope you get a unit offered by the dealer so you have something to listen to over Christmas!


If it would be SG Akustik I wouldn’t be surprised :roll_eyes:

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I am not saying anything w/o my lawyer…

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Hi David, sounds like Murphy‘s law has hit you twice then. I hope you got your system components back in repaired state. For, me it is a lesson learned that you always need to call and track, otherwise the chaos will take over.

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Hi, that‘s a good point, I will ask them for a loan amp. Shouldn‘t be a problem since I guess they have probably lots of boxes with amps standing around…


Exactly the same thing happened to me - in my case it was a Hiline. The dealer blamed it on the carrier, when in fact he’d never sent it.
Not all Naim dealers are saints, some are downright incompetent.

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Oh dear. This is not good. I have heard many negative things about the service being moved to Poland with very poor turn around times. People in Hamburg being let go. In 2021 I got all my kit serviced and recapped with very quick turn around time.
My CDS3 was also sent back to the UK for a DAC change but that took a lot longer because of the UK leaving the EU. My CDS3 failed on the other channel and it has been away for what I have been told is a quick change to replace the other DAC. However several weeks later no news from my dealer on what the progress on repairing the CDS3 is.


Had the same thing happen to my old stageline. Dropped it off at a nearby shop for dpd to collect; I think it made it to Southampton, and then instead of arriving in Sheffield it came back to the shop. Wasn’t a label issue, but perhaps confusion between destination and pick up point.

My dealer (closed to, but not in DUS/Germany) gave me a SN3 and ND5XS2 to bridge the wait when my SU needed a new display. Clever guy.


that’s the kind of guy I’d like to get to know

and then what happened? given your profile, you stuck w the SU?

Whatever you do, don’t buy into Leica cameras. Same issue with warranty repair (and doubly long if out of), looking at anywhere from 2-4 months (up to 8 for vintage lenses), with little to no communication.