Supernait 1 connectivity

And here is a quick picture of the old girl sitting in one of the living rooms on my test bed … with the linux media PC is without its top case :slight_smile:

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Congrats! It must give a powerful and controlled sound. In my experience, adding a hicap Dr massively improves the SuperNait 1 in all respects, especially preamp and dac.

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I’ve been writing for years that the SN’s internal DAC is an extremely good and musical asset… Happy that the pleasant surprise is going to make you use it. Enjoy!


and that is what I am going to buy next…


I thought you were more a pre-Dr person Max?


I am… But lately I have learned to take what comes…


agreed … I have a customised HICAP … looking maybe to add a DR. I have read so many complaining about the DAC but I have a set of triangle mags, with a full ranged, and that dac with a decent HICAP resolves amazingly. I think the clean power makes a huge difference as I add a lot of other power improvements as well. But to my ears it sounds wonderful. And prefer it to the 3. Just taste I suppose.

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I am both :slight_smile: I think colouring at the reamp has huge advantages instead of just at the PA. For me the preamp open the stage, creates the space, and the 3d feel and depth, then the power amp enhances qualities as you choose. As an example Naim for me brings out the emotion, the depth, the feel of the music generally. All the systems I fell in love with had both beautiful amp and preamp presentations. I feel speakers are easy to modulate but getting the preamp right is the biggest gain once your resolution is high enough. Once I have completed testing this Linux system I will move this SN1 to my desk to replace my XS3 as I spend all day on my butt here might as well as it is a complete system. I have had her for years so will upgrade her this year I think but will keep my SN1 for life :slight_smile:

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I agree on optimizing the preamp. Years ago I had NAC122x, NAP 150x and CD5x. I tried an FCx in all the possible configurations - on the preamp, on the CD and on both - and in the end I only used it on the pre.
Optimizing the preamp is like optimizing the hose in my opinion, so the water flows perfectly. All the rest comes consequently.

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Aye a DAC preamp is the most ignored of all. Once the speakers and amp are done spend a few years getting the PA right to finalise. Then it is just tweaking. :slight_smile: And thank you I will.

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Mine, too.



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