Supernait 1 connectivity

Hi, so quick easy question, a stupid one though maybe, but cannot seem to get the optical SPDIF connection to work. Is there some trick to selecting it? The SN1 works fine, has the hicap, and for all other connections functions fine. I have PM set in the “streamer”, my own self built Linux server, and have AB tested to another amp and works fine. My feeling it is just me not selecting it correctly as I cannot find the “method” to make it the primary input. Any help would be much appreciated. PS forgive my ignorance and have RTFM but found nothing solid on the subject.

Have you checked the digital input assignment? Have a read through this section of the user manual;


Thanks for the quick reply … will have a look. On the defaults they did not make much sense to me. By default the aux1 is the optical SPDIF 2?

Yes, by default AUX1 is assigned to Digital Input 2 (TOSLINK), although see the note: AUX1 is automatically assigned to the front input if it is being used.

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OK will connect it there to see if that functions. Again many thanks for the replies.

So digital d4 on the supernait 1, the second optical, is the aux1 by default? Just checking I am not making a mistake.

No, AUX 1 is Digital input 2 (D2) by default (assuming your SN is still set to default settings).

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I believe the above posts likely have this covered, but might be worth adding: (general SPDIF cable and ‘send’ parameters)

Limit the output to 24bit 96khz as a MAXIMUM (ideally if the files are all 44khz, then set accordingly, or 88khz Max) (not all cables are equal, and some do not pass 192khz ‘well’)
(not for the OP specifically)
if a TV (or other multimedia source) ensure set to PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) and not some variant of AUTO/Dolby Digital. (ensures handshaking occurs)

*seems likely that in the case of the original post- the input was not being set,… so these are just ‘general SP/DIF’ common issues/solutions.

ah thanks

Yes I have all the settings on the PCM side done. I know the restrictions but thanks for making sure.

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I’ve had a SN1 forever. Very occasionally, the assignments get messed-up (cosmic rays flipping bits?) and have to be re-configured. The method is simple-enough, but for me, non-intuitive. I always need to look it up!

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:slight_smile: yeah still not working at present. I will troubleshot more tomorrow

I find that different Toslink plugs vary quite bit, and some fit better than others. One that is a snug fit in one socket can be loose in another, even it the point where the optical beam is not aligned properly.
It’s a long shot, I admit, but maybe try a different cable, and check carefully that it’s properly inserted.

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Is the onboard DAC in the SN1 known to fail? I’ve never been able to get the digital connections to work in mine (which was purchased used).

Aye I have written some of the standards for transmission stds … optical, especially low end cables, can be hit and miss. So agree completely. I will add it to my list of potentials.

Ah interesting. Have no idea though I usually only use the amps on SNs. This is my first attempt using the DAC. I am addicted to the amp melody :slight_smile:

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I understand that. Apparently its not everyones cup of tea, but the timbre is very nice.

Yes, I’ve used the dac. Unfortunately I cannot really help you since its boxed up at the moment. Just take a bit time, you’ll get it working in the end.

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At my fourth SN, it’s the same for me…

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I prefer rich and body. I find too clinical, too bright, just makes the music emotionless. Detail with depth is my preferred but in the end I am A philistine … I am not an audiophile by any means of the word, just like nice audio for gaming with my son, movies and music while I work :slight_smile:

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So thank you all for replying. Was very kind. I finally got it working through the optical port being in the wrong mode for a while … but eventually it worked. :slight_smile: And I forgot to say thank you and to give an update. I have had my supernait for quite a while and never used the internal DAC and I am pleasantly surprised. It almost as good as my R2R (not to be mentioned here) 5k dac as a combination. I will probably custom this SN1 this year as I will never have the hear to get rid of her. But the sound is surprisingly rich and full considering she is 2009. But it works and is wonderfully harmonic.