Supernait 3 and ATC scm19

ATC SCM19’s like all ATCs only come alive when the volume is higher.
In the past I have back to backed my ATC SCM40’s with my Kef LS50’s and a friends ATC SCM19s. The 19’s did require more volume than the other two to get up to a similar listening level. They also lacked bass compared to the LS50’s and especially compared to the SCM40s. The 40’s also have a warmer nicer mid range.


No. Did not. Which amps do you use? Or how does this work exactly? Thank you

I own a sn3 but I tried sn2 and 200dr biamp, you could see your 40s flighting

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@piebia Out of interest, do you have your SCM19s set up in an equilateral triangle with the speakers facing your listening position, as per ATC’s owners’ manual?

Ciao @Christopher_M honestly no, I cannot achieve this setup in my house, it is triangle in which height is bigger than base

Understood. I have found ATC’s recommended positioning gives a more vivid presentation. ie. with the speakers pointing straight to your listening position. Very enjoyable!

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