Supernait 3 upgrade path

I hope you can see my system detail now?


Nice floor!


Yes, thanks. Nice system and very well balanced. I am very curious of these Kudos speakers. Have followed some threads with interest. But unfortunately not sold in France.
Maybe one day, when we will travel again,.
How did your Isol 8 improved the sound? Or the humming?


Sorry, blue light is a PSU from MCRU for a Silent Angel - Bonn N8 audio grade network switch, which is to far left of the blue light on PSU.

All is clear, if a little bright.

Are you satisfied by the MCRU? Which one is it? I have the pinnacle from MCRU.

pre Isol-8 occasionally I just didn’t enjoy the sound I was hearing, other times it was great. My dealer suggested I try the Isol-8. When I first plugged it in it sounded awful, bass was really loose. After and hour or so of warming up and listening again, the sound was utterly transformed, at least in my house with my mains supply. It was as if I had upgraded the pre/power amp. More separation, way more detail, tighter bass, better sound stage. I wasn’t expecting it but that’s what it gave me. I’ve tried several times since I had the isol-8 disconnecting it and going to a wire world mains block, within minutes the Isol-8 is back on.


It’s their Linear 5v PSU specifically for the network switch and yes it made a marginal difference to the sound but noticeable.


Humming still there but much much quieter

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Quite a list already and I’d say more than just a taste, tbh.

Nice Setup, mate :+1:

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I can find in the 282 manual how to connect the Hicap but I can’t find which socket to connect the snaic 4 to on the HC or Supernait

I want to use SN as a power amp until funds allow a 250 to be purchased.

Can you help pls.

Not being funny but have you read the manual? All you need to know about the SN3 end is there. Connect the other end of the Snaic4 to Hicap Socket 3.

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Thank you for your font of knowledge!

Question. There is a good offer for a used non-DR NAP200. Would it be a good addition to the SN3? Not as a stand-alone amp but as an additional amp for bi-wiring? I have ATC40 passive speakers and thought that NAP200 can take the lows while SN3 can deal with the mids + his. Have anyone tried it? Thank you

Not really, a 250 dr, yes.

I’d get a hicap dr or an upgrade on your most used source.

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That was an initial idea. I currently have an NDX2, and adding 2 power supplies is the next upgrade. Thanks

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Unfortunately 250DR is not yet on offer :slight_smile:

I understand, just wanted to say that the 200 is a very minimal improvement vs the power amp of the SN. So you would loose just your money.
A 282 second hand: YES.