Supernait won't come out of strt-up mode

My ancient SN1 is stuck in power-up mode. The two Mute buttons remain illuminated. I think the amp got a power surge after a blackout. Input and Monitor selection buttons seem to “work”, but it remains resolutely muted. I tried the front-panel reset by powering on while holding the mute buttons, but it didn’t help.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Winky - A quick thing to try would be (with the SN powered off) to unplug and re plug the link plug a few times. I’m assuming you’re not using a Hicap with the SN ?

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@NeilS may have some ideas here

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Classic symptom of a capacitor failure in the brown out detect circuit.


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Yeah, that’s what I figured.

Yeah, I was using a HC. Suspecting that, I replaced it with the link plug. Still no good.

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